..."What's Haunting You Dee~Dee?" she asked.

Okay so how many remember reading "I'm Invincible Damnit!" Well I had to use some wisdom this weekend and make some changes in my life. I had to let go of somethings that I held very dear to me. Brief overview for those of you that don't know. I am being stalked by one dude, and I am being tormented by another dude. The dude that is stalking me is crazy as hell! He shows up out of nowhere and at times has yelled my name out in the court way of the building where I live and just a whole host of things. Now this is someone who at one point was a dear friend to me...now I think he is just crazy.
Then this other dude and I were seeing one another, but I felt like he was too young and childish for me so I had to let that go. Well we did decided to be friends but then that became more then a notion and he became increasingly more childish. Leaving status' on his IM about me and inviting me to view his web cam while he was with another girl...WTF? I can't get a freakin break folks! Well anyway I was forced to do something I told myself I would never do...I had to change my numbers and my email address.
I have had the same numbers and email address for long as I cane remember folks! I mean I got that email address when I was in College and had those numbers since 2000 somewherez. I was devastated at having to change my life the way that I had to. I mean I lost so much information that it is really sickening to think about it. I do realize though that I had to use the wisdom God gave me in this sitch. Rose told me in a comment on the earlier post about this, that I had to use wisdom, but I was still determine not to let them move me in anyway. And then my cybersis told me today that I must use wisdom concerning this sitch and to be prayerful and careful.
I feel so unattached from my thoughts sometimes. I feel like they are taking over my mind at times. This one minister at my church once said that our mind is just like a computer. We have lots of memory in order to store information...we have the ability to delete certain information from our memory we just(wait I will only speak for myself here *one eyebrow raised*) well IIIIIII just haven't learned how to use that function yet. Oooooh but I will folks...I will. As I was sitting here thinking about what to post this day after Thanksgiving I was listening to the Smokie Norful CD and on it there is a song entitled "In The Middle" Here are the lyrics...they really inspired me I hope they will do the same for someone else out there.
U. W. R. A:)
In The Middle Lyrics by Smokie Norful
Sometimes it seems hard to see I care for you. And sometimes it's hard for you to see that I'm there with you. Be strong hold on and know I'm right there in the middle. When you cried I was there. When you were sad I made you happy. When you were alone I was your friend. I'm in the middle. When you were in need I provided. When you couldn't see I lead the way. I was there to see you through it all. I'm right there in the middle.
Sometimes I know in my heart that you really love me. But other times I must question your faith. Don't give up always look up don't give in I'm right there in the middle. Through the pain and the heartache I'm right there. Yes I am. When you cried I was there. When you were sad I made you happy. When you were alone I was your friend. I'm in the middle. When you were in need I provided. When you couldn't see I lead the way. I was there to see you through it all. I'm right there in the middle.
I was there in the middle of your pain yeah. I was there when they tried to take your hope away. I was there when you didn't know your right from wrong. I was there when your friends walked out on you. I was there when you didn't know what to do. When you searched and found all of your family was gone. When you couldn't see your night from day I was there when you couldn't find your way. I was there from the beginning to the very end. I was there I was there it was me. I was there I heard every plea. I'll come running everytime. Be strong just hold on and know I'm right there in the middle.
Thanks for the lyrical reminder too. I think we all know it but if still feels lonely as we go through.
I sure will find a way:)
Playing it cautious in Chicago to ma!:)
Thank you so much whom ever you for reading me and giving such wonderful words of encouragement...I need and appreciate them:)
What it do ma? get at me like asap...:)
Ppl have been known to call your girl a bit stubborn...I am working on that though:)
And oh, I heard you a day ago, so I'm still here.
Glad you're not leaving:)
Stay safe and strong, sis!
hehehe, just a thought