Imagine Me

*thanks to everyone that checked in on me while I was gone*
Okay so I have been away for quite some time, and I have to say that I truly miss blogging and reading other bloggers thoughts. I have been through the storm and the rain folks and let me tell you…it’s been RAINING!

First off I have had to move out of my apartment last minute. Not because I was evicted or anything, but because of the living conditions. They were not befitting a Diva in no sense of the word. I was living well beneath my means. First of all the building in which I USED TO RESIDE was old as hell. …“Vintage” as my nephew likes to call it….an “old as hell, unnecessary waste of brick” is how I love to refer to it. I mean this building was run by two of the oldest, sickly people I have ever met…then they sold it to a young slumlord…”Landscum” is the name I so affectionately call him.
(jerk) Anyway, my apartment was the pits and I kept on trying to turn that ugly duck into a swan…with no luck of course. I mean I had designer blinds and pier one imports all around that apartment…in fact, at the time of my recent move, I gave away 1500 in furniture….I really wanted to move folks!!! I had absolutely nowhere to go, but I knew I was getting out of there!
I had been in a sick twisted battle with Mice and Water Bugs. I mean they were running around that building like they paid rent or something. I would find myself picking up…well calling my guy friend to pick up Mice that were caught on glue traps…and then to make you really sick to your stomach, when the movers came they found about 4 nests! 4 nests folks!!!! Those damn Mice were having babies all around my s**t!!! It was horrifying to say the least, but I tried to hold on. I really didn’t have the money to move with and I was used to the people and I was close to my Mother (all crutches) but how many of you know that when you get tired…you really get tired?
So anyway, I made up in my mind that I was going to leave that Mouse trap and the sooner the better. We had this terrible storm here in the Chi a while back and it knocked out all the power for like 10 blocks. And it was pitch black too. I got up and drove to a friend’s house and that is when I realized that I needed to leave that area and apartment that week. So that is just what I did. When the lights were finally restored (4 days later) I rented a Van and moved my ish out in two days flat! I had absolutely no idea where I was going to live, but at that time I didn’t even care.
Since I moved into that apartment in 96, I have had to do more then my fair share of work around it. I have replaced the tile on both the bathroom and kitchen floors twice; I had to have my bath tub serviced 3 times. The ceilings in the bed room, living room and hallway were falling in. It was a mess I say!!! It had gotten to the point were I was totally pissed off! They found Mold and Mice droppings were behind and under almost even thing. It was the pits! And during this whole time, “the snitch” at my current work environment quit and for the past two months I have been working 13 days, plus going to church almost every night, plus trying to keep my business from falling apart, PLUS keeping from losing my mind…it was all I could do to keep from crying! But I survived.
I had to move in with my girlfriend and her family, and let me start by saying that I am totally grateful unto the Father for allowing me to have shelter…but this is waaayyy too much for me to handle right now. I am so used to being on my own. Now don’t get me wrong, I have the whole basement to myself and it is fabulous…but it is very hard for me to have to depend on this setting. I am in the process of fixing it up and making it my own. I have no intention on being there any longer then I have to…I must do me asap! (smile)
Well, I will expose more soon, right now I have to eat!
U.W.R.A :)
Dee Dee


Knockout Zed said…
Wow! You got a lot of stuff going on right now. I hope you'll be back on your own in short time. Stay focused, mama.

Rose said…
You have been through the storms but you've made it. I have you in my prayer box.
Didi Roby said…
Thanks Papi...I needed that:) Missin your thoughts.

Your prayer box means a lot to me:) I am reading you:)
Unknown said…
Good to see you back in Blogsville, it has been a while!

Girl we are in the same boat, I am currently searching for a new place to live because of the Dutty Landlord.
DramaFree said…
oh no!! Sorry to hear you've been through a storm! But luckily after the rain, there's always sunshine, Dee. Good luck chica!!
Anonymous said…
You're next in line for a fabulous, miraculous, breakthrough!!

Sistah Lovely
Xave said…
What the F!?!?!?!

I left a msg last week and it's gone!!! ARGH!!!

Anyway... I'm glad to have you back. You are back right?
Didi Roby said…
@ my brother X...

Yes my's rough but I am back reading and writing my heart out. I read you are going away for a while...what's up?

@ Tam...
I am missing you and our convo's mami.....what is that IM again?

@ Sistah Lovely...
I am loving that name ma! I recv that blessing in Jesus name!!!

@ Stunner...
One of my faithful cyber friends!!!! I appreciate you my love:)

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