She will never get her Roses now...*sigh*....

"We had our first argument last night, and he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said, because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today!.
It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day. Last night he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like a nightmare, I couldn't believe it was real.
I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over. I know he must be sorry cause he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today, and it wasn't mother's day or any other special day.
Last night, he beat me up again, it was much worse than all the other times.

If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of my kids? What about money? I'm afraid of him and scared to leave.
Well I know he must be sorry because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today.
Today was a very special was my funeral!
Last night, he finally killed me. He beat me to death. If only I had gathered enough courage to leave him, I would not have gotten flowers today......." (Anonymous)

I don't know who wrote this, and I never thought I would have to use it...all I know is that it fits the post for my girlfriend of like forever...died today. I can barely see as I write this post so forgive me for any typos you might find. I don't know how many of my blogbuddies remember reading a post I wrote called: (007dee3...I can't save the world ya'll) well in that post I received a call from a longtime friend of mine who had locked herself in the bathroom of her house because her boyfriend had jumped on her again and she wanted me to come and get her. Well me being the superhero I believe myself to be...I gathered up a few of my guy friends and went to her rescue. I told her that if she went back not to call me anymore because I felt that going back to a man that would rather beat you up then lift you up was crazy as hell and she must want to be there and go through that ish...why else would she go back?
Now ppl have said that maybe it is low self esteem that makes woman stay in those type of relationships, and that fear has alot to do with it as well. I lost a good friend to an abusive boyfriend when I was a teenager, so I do know how it works...but I still don't understand it....whew...give me a minute..........................

Okay...I am single because my heart has been broken by so many men that I said skip this ish! I don't have to take this ish!...I have never had a man to beat me up before, however if I feel I am way to damn important for some guy to use and break my heart...I know I would leave some nigg who has the nerve to put his hands on me. I am a "low tolerance for bullish" type of person and I feel that I deserve better then that!
How come she didn't feel that same way? Why did she go back to a man that hurt her? Why didn't she know her self worth? Why did I tell her not to call me anymore? Why do bad things happen to good ppl? Why? heart is so broken right now from this ish that I can barely see from all the tears I shed. She should have stayed away from him! She should have stayed away!
I know you can read in the papers or look at the news where women who have left an abusive relationship still are killed by their ex husbands or ex least they had the courage to flee. I don't want anyone to die at the hands of another person, I think that is just plain wrong....but why did she go back?

When I got the call that she had been killed, I was out with my sister shopping for a new car, and all I kept thinking about was when we were little kids and we would play dress up. She would always pretend she was a wife who had the perfect husband. My sister was the rich and successful grown up. I of course was the flower child/free spirit grown up that only wanted to be happy...........Why did we have to grow up?...........................................Damn Shay! I will miss you my Chica!

Shay Sanders


Anonymous said…
That's so sad. I really can't imagine greiving for someone who taken by someone who "loved" them (read hated themselves). If nothing else, it can help someone flee a similar situation.
Didi Roby said…

Yeah it's very sad...I tried to click your link...but it wouldn't go through...can you send me a link that will take me to your spot? I would like to read that.
Didi Roby said…

Thank you so very much for your kind words. You are so right though...I just feel like such a bad friend right now...but I know I had nothing to do with's just sad. I take way too much personally sometimes I guess...:)
Didi Roby said…
Thank you Hassan
Meadow said…
Dear God in Heaven. Girl!

I honestly don't know what to say.

I am so very sorry.
Didi Roby said…
Thank you Goddess...that was just fine:)Sad isn't it?

What's up with you ma? I'll be by to read you later on today:)
LadyLee said…
That's terrible Dee-Dee... My condolences for the lost of your friend. I hate to see such things happen.

Don't blame yourself... After all, you and your posse rescued her once. SHE decided to go back. Still, that's no excuse.

Hopefull, someone in the same situation will read your post and decide that it is indeed time to get the hell out of a bad situation.
Anonymous said…
my condolences, girl....

so what happened to the guy? is he charged with anything?
Superstar Nic said…
This is sad incredibly sad...I didn't even know her but I still feel for both you and her family. She was so young, she didn't even have a chance to really live her life. Loosing someone close is a terrible thing. This situation is even worse though because it seems like it could have been prevented.

My condolences on the tragic loss of such a good friend.
Didi Roby said…

I hope and pray that someone will read this and know that they can be free...:)


Thanks sweetie:)

He is rotting in county jail right one will post his bail.

"N" Search of Ecstasy...

Thanks has been hard, but I pray that her fam will make it through this.

It could have...she was safe, he didn't know where she was. Why she went back and for what I don't know.
Didi Roby said…

I too am sorry about your's such an unfortunate lost and at times I think it's all a dream, and that she will call me up and say "Danni, I need you to come and get me..." And Lord knows I would. But like you said it's a no win sitch...Thank you love:)
Brea said…
OMG! I remember reading that post about her. ;( I'm so sorry for your loss.
She Shall said…
Well, it should go without saying that you will be in my prayers but I have to say it anyway. No matter what we wish for our friends and family …we have little power over certain things. It doesn’t make it any easier but I hope you know that its all part of God’s plan.
All weekend I've been trying to post. I'm soooo very sorry to hear about your friend. It makes me soooo angry!
Didi Roby said…

Thanks love:)

Tiff L...

...little power is right. We can talk until our faces are blue...but they do what they want. Thank you love for your prayers:)


Mad as Hell!!! I want to just slap his face and scream! But I can't and won't:) Thanks ma!
I can barely see either. Girl.....I guess there is nothing for me to say..Lord..I can't even respond. Can't imagine...Courtney...Shay....Thank you so much...for having the courage to write this. You are in my prayers....
Didi Roby said…

My Prayers will be with Courtney as well...Thanks mama:)
Dee-dee, I am so sorry to hear about your friend that passed away. Situations like that are so hard to accept. As outsiders we look in and say, "oh, hell naw, I'd leave in a heart beat, or why do u stay." Its easy for us to do that bc we have a stonger sense of self. We know we can do without em. Women like your friend are just broken down to the point where they forget who they are and that they are so much better than the shit they put up with. Them mofos are good at tearing the weak ones down where they just take, and take, and take. Too bad she didnt make it out before she reached her limit. I think of her being free from him and his abuse. She finally has the peace in her life. Her soul is with the most perfect men of all God! I hope that mofo gets what he deserves! Bastards like that need to be casturated! You and the family will be in my prayers!
May God be with you all in this moment of grief.
Didi Roby said…

Thank you so very much have such a good point with the things you said. She is with the man who will love her for Father:)

In a way I am happy for her as well...she will never have to hurt she is enjoying a wealth unfathomed right now...Thanks for your prayers.

I told her fam to read this blog and all the comments as a way of helping them cope with her loss...:)
Rose said…
Dee Dee I remember your post. I also have a 21 year old neice who is going through the same thing. I post about her. I don't understand how one gets' love out of beating and pain. But I have printed your story out and I will give it to her. Maybe your lost may give her the strength to leave. Or maybe it will make her think. I'm praying for you, you did what a good friend would..
Cherise said…
Wow... I have lost a few friends to domestic Violence. I just finished reading all of your posts.. I had to play catchup! I'm sorry this happened to you. Love u girl.

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