Crack Folks...It's The CRACK! Pt1

"See it's Ish like that (Steve talking to some dude in the audience) That let's me further know...." Steve Harvey in Kings of Comedy
I tell ya folks I know at least 10 least that many that are clearly on CRACK! I mean the signs are all there. They are just as cracked out as Whitney Houston was or still is...I'm not keeping up anymore. These ppl have a problem and they need my help quick fast and in a hurry! These ppl are on the verge of getting on my real nerves and they must be stopped! They have the potential to be good ppl, but the CRACK is taking over! Tell me if these here signs don't lead you guys to the same conclusion. Brace yourself...It ain't good. LOL:)
.....The Target: Kim Roby aka My Sister.....
Okay so back in the summer we were trying to get my oldest nephew into high school and we were having some technical difficulties. First of all he is a very smart young man, but his class work was looking a little ugly so some high schools didn't except him because of it. So I put on my Superwoman cape and fly off to the rescues! Well after a long battle with the school system and a few shed tears...he is excepted to Luther South Highschool. *Pause...Dee-Dee walks across the here ppl is where the CRACK enters the scene* We get him all set up with classes and what not. Then I pay the first months tuition (which wasn't cheap folks) and we wait for summer to end. Well don't you know that two days before school starts "The Target" decides that she doesn't want him to go there and pulls him out of that highschool and puts him into some ghetto highschool where during the 1st week of school a shooting takes place and now my nephew is all shook up! WTF?...Say it with me folks...IT'S THE CRACK!
.....The Target: J Lewis aka Yellowboi.....
Okay so this dude has been the topic of several posts here in the "in-motion" picture. And just until recently he might have NOT been a target, but somehow he has made the hit list. See this dude and I used to talk...well he was just a friend and so we would actually talk via the phone or IM. Well HE wanted to be more then friends and at the time I was almost about to consider it...almost. *Pause...Dee-Dee walking across the here is where the CRACK enters the scene* apparently he had been telling me all kinds of lies and what not. See life is funny and it's a SMALL WORLD after all folks! Come to find out, one of my girlfriends knows this dude because she was going to do some work for him and he actually came to her house to see her work. Well don't you know he brought his...get this "fiance" with him...So one day me and my girl just happen to be talking about her work and she told me some dude and his..."Fiance"...came by to see it and that's when I finds out that yellowboi was trying to play a sister like a fool! WTF? Say it with me folks...IT'S THE CRACK!
.....The Target: Nicole aka Some chick at work.....
Okay so I have been on my new job 4weeks now and things have been okay to say the least. I mean aside from them gypping me out of 12 hours of pay and then screwing up my direct deposit...I'm having the time of my life! *Dee-Dee rolling her eyes* Well the target in question works directly across from me. Well at an angle...she sits near by in arms distance. So we have had some kind of direct contact with one another the entire 4weeks! Whether it was asking her for some binder clips, or asking her for deposit slips or what ever the case maybe, she should know me by now right? *Pause...Dee-Dee walking across the here is where the CRACK enters the scene* Me and my girl Tiffany went to the orientation together so we know one another better then the rest of those characters in that place, so we call each other's NAME almost all night long! Now keep in mind that the target sits within arms distance of me and Tiffany. Well last night she was working on the mail machine and she was trying to get my attention. She goes "Girl! Girl! Hey Girl!" Well I finally look over there and I say "Are you asking for me?" and she goes "Yeah"....see....I say "Did you call my name?" she goes "What's yo name again?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I have been there 4weeks ppl and she is a young girl like around 18-19 some ish like that, and she can't remember my name! WTF? Say it with me folks...IT'S THE CRACK!
I'll be back with more Targets soon. In the mean you have a "Target" :)
The girl was inducted into the National Honor Society in high school and given a scholarship to Randolph-Macon Women's College. She met some little bald-headed, drug-dealin dude almost 15 years older than her and "fell in love."
She dropped out of college and started livin his effed up life. He wrecks her car, beats on 2 kids later and they are as poor as sh*t unless he is dealing...and she still "LOVES HIM." IT'S THE CRACK!
My addition:
A guy I used to date called me a few weeks back and left a drunken VM referring to me as "a hot piece of ass". When I called him the next day furious, he says he was trying to compliment me. WTF?! Had to be the crack.
Everytime I see this relative he ask me for a dollar.(he's 32) When I tell him I don't have it, he says you work and don't have any money. Girl, you know it's the crack...
"Crack killed Apple Jack! He jumped in and he couldn't jump back! He was just too blind to see that...Death lives in the Rock House!" ???
Lord knows that shows I am so old!!
When I was in elementary school, I was the school radio/announcement girl...and my opening music was the Sugar Hill Gang, Rapper's Delight! See how ancient I am!?
So for me, it's just my age, it's not the CRACK! LOL
I am some times:) Gotta laugh to keep from crying:)
Yes it is! What was she thinking about?
I'm glad you called to let that Crack Head have it! The nerve!
I got you baby!
Ppl on Crack beg!...LOL:)
Girlfriend needs her Azz whooped for that one there...Difntly CRACK!
Yep the Public School System is packed full of CRACK Heads!
Don't pavement grind in heels:)
Yeah she is cool ppl:)
Naw I got him out of there as of today actually...:)
Still LMAO over here!
I knew that you would...LOL...How you been girl?
I have already spoken to you concerning that CRACK Head, so I won't upset myself any further:(
Come on...give me at least one!!!!!
Chk my comment I left you okay?
I know "Rapper's Delight" but "Crack killed apple jack"...Ummmmmmmm you got me there:)
Awwww Fox! WHY Me?
Khalli 88...
WTF? We have a winner folks! That is CRACK FOR REAL PPL! Don't try that ish at home!:(
U rock!
Oh by the he is my "target" Jordy done did it this time man. Siblings I tell you.