The Dee-Dee's Do It Up Ya'll!

*This one is grab a sandwich and a coke...xcept for you Envizable...put that coke down:)*
Well today was a good day folks! I have to tell you I was shocked and amazed at todays events. I have a big ol smile of my newly exfoliated face ya'll! I am beaming from ear to ear. I am on cloud 9 and I don't want to come down...I am happy!
Okay so Tuesday is my official birthday and I my friends will be 32 years young:) I am looking forward to my bday actually, because of the fact that I still look good! I am embracing 32 with the hopes of only getting better with each new year:) I had so much fun today I just couldn't wait to come home and share it with you guys! By the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIN!
Okay around 7:30 this morning my girl Dee-Dee 3 calls me and asks me to go somewhere with her this morning, I was like "what time?" and she tells me she will be at my house by 8:15...." the morning? You crazy girl I'm sleepy" she starts to beg and plead with me to get up and go with her, so I say "fine" and get myself ready. Now due to the last time I was caught outside with out my glam on...I made for sure this time I would not be caught looking a flamin hot mess. She came and picked me up and we were on our way. Now first of all I should have known something was up, because dee-dee3 is never on time for anything and for her to be on time this morning was a complete shocker. So I asked her where we were going and she tells me...."girl just sit back and enjoy the ride." I was like "heifer tell me where were going." she tells me that she just wanted me to ride with her somewhere. So I'm like "fine then." Well after what seemed like forever we pull up in front of this really nice looking day spa. Now when we got out of the car I began to pray for this girls life because I was hoping she didn't get me out of bed just so I could go to the freakin day spa with her. Well don't you know she walks right up to the door and we go in...I'm looking like WTF? I just know darn good and well this chick did not bring me all the way off out here just to watch her get her crusty behind feet done...I just know that's not the case folks!
Day spa girl: Good morning...
dee-dee3: Yeah I have an appointment...
me: What?!...
dee-dee3: Yeah girl it's...(me cutting her off)
Me: You kidding me right Dee?
Day spa girl: Are you Deirdre?
Me: Yes I am...
Day spa girl: These came for you (picking up some lovely roses)
Me: What!!!!!! these are for me? Dee-Dee3 did you do this?
Dee-Dee3: Naw girl read the card...
Me: What is going on here? (reading the card) they are from Phill...awwww man! (turning around so fast that I fell...(okay blog buddies...first person laugh I'm coming to find
At this point I figured out that she had set up a day for US to have a complete spa treatment from head to toe. It was wonderful folks! First we go in room A for a Mani/Pedi which was just wonderful. They served us grapes and coffee while we were being serviced it was great. Then after the Mani/Pedi we had lunch...they served us Leona's folks! I had the lightly breaded chicken fingers with meranera sauce and dee-dee3 had the buffalo wings with broccoli...wonderful! Then after lunch I go to room B where I got a full body massage and deep cleansing facial...wonderful! I was so relaxed folks, I went to sleep. The women that were working on us were so nice and polite. They didn't rush to hurry up and get us out, it was just great! I felt...that's right...wonderful when we left that place. (for my chitown ppl: Spahhs located 2023 Ridge Road homed, IL 60430 708-206-9996 or
I felt like a new woman when I left that place. I told dee-dee3 that she was almost about to catch a serious beat down until the flowers and what not...she did well folks...she did well:) Okay so we are heading home and she asks me do I want to go home first to change my clothes? I say "for what?" She tells me that she has something else to do and I might as well tag along. Right! Okay I get home and change my clothes. As I was coming out of my apartment I see my mother coming out of hers as well. Now my mother is pretty much a home body and once she is in, she is in.
Me: Mommy? (looking all dressed up...*one eyebrow raised*)
Mother: Yes.
Me: Where are you going all gussied up?
Mother: None of your business! I'm minding my business!
Me: Well excuse me...put these flowers in a vase for me. I'm gone again
Mother: Okay. Larry and I are about to go out.
Me: What? Even you have a date...perfect. Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Now at that point I was thrown off totally to the remote possibility of a party or anything. Because if there were one my big mouth mother would have spoke on it right then and there trust me. She can't hold water that woman I swear. So I put that whole thought out of my mind with the quickness. We drove around for a while and finally dee-dee3 pulls into one of my favorite restaurants (Olive Garden) and we have another fall out.
Me: What are we doing here? We just ate.
Dee-Dee3: Well I'm hungry again.
Me: Are you kidding me! We just ate.
Dee-Dee3: That was like 6 hours ago Dee...
Me: Okay where are we going after this?
Dee-Dee3: Just wait and see nosy...dang! Let's go.
As we walk up to the entrance all the while still fussing at one another, this not so attractive dude and his equally un-attractive girlfriend or whatever "shushed" I'm looking like are they serious? This is a public place and last I checked it was free country. So I of course was a lady about the whole thing, where as DIVA probably would have let them have it *wink*:) I walk in still fussing and what do you know...My ppl were standing there looking like some rejects from 'All in the gang' yelling "SURPRISE" I was blown away folks! They had got me again:) Last year they threw me a party at Olive Garden and I should have seen this one coming....but I was glad I didn't:)
It was really nice seeing all my ppl. All of the Dee-Dee's were there, my mother was there and her boyfriend. Let's see...there was Dan, Cin, Phillip (roses dude) Lisa, Traci, Tiffany, Shelly, Nicole, Bri, Taj (good to see him) Matt, Joe....It was a lot of niggs there man! I bet Olive Garden was glad to see us leaving...LMAO! If I had of known about it, I would have scooped up my girl Mil and my boy Teej and brought them along for the ride:) I had a blast folks...I got a lot of really nice gifts as well. My girl Shelly (the Appraiser) bought me a new pair of Jimmy Choo shoes *big grin* and Philip bought me my two favorite perfumes D&G Light Blue and JaDore by Dior...But the best gift of all was the book of poetry entitled The Moments,The Minutes, The Hours by Jill Scott...BEAUTIFUL PPL!! COP THAT TRUST ME!
I had a really wonderful time and I wished it didn't have to end...but this here strong sister has to go to church in the morning and then to work that night. So good night all:)
P.S. To all the Virgos out there...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
*Dee-Dee2 (that's me) stretchin and yawnin and reflectin on her WONDERFUL DAY*
Drink up and be merry.
LMAO... jokes kind of here to be there 900 something miles away.
Glad to hear you had a good bday chica! HAPPY EARLY BDAY
But why ya'll aint invite the landlord...I'm sayin', I'm sure bro-man like O.G. too...wassup with
Glad you were pampered and partied!
Yeah man it was nice:)
Again a case of the "why do the ones..." But he is cool ppl.
Ooops! I Sorry:( I should have mentioned your ol crazy behind self...Forgiven?
You are a mess! I wish you were there might have been the life of the party:)
And no...Landscum can not come:(
Lol:) I knew it! I'm glad you are feeling better.
Your breakfast huh? We gonna have to do something about that *wink*
Thanks girly...I do have pics...they are coming soon!
Thanks sweetie...
Hugs to you!
p.s. D&G Light Blue is one of my favorites, too!
The show is back and today...We Meet the Charms!!
See you on the Show!
Virgo's in the house!