A Little Under The Weather...:(

Alright so it's about 2:53 am here in the Chi, and I am sick as a DOG:( Why do ppl say that "sick as a DOG?" I mean really I don't get it. *Dee-Dee looking baffled*
Oh Well my friends I will be under the covers blowing my wittle nose and coughing up phlegm until I get better. I hate being sick...I really do:(
Keep Blog Alive Friends...Keep Blog Alive:)*Dee-Dee coughing and picking up tissue box as she crawls back into bed...Awwww I hate being sick*


Awwww poor boo boo...Well I hope you tied that fierce hair up and have a hot toddy, hell have two and then a shot of Tequila and then tune in for the Foxybrown Show it always makes me feel better!
Awww feel better. Get you a whole lemon, squeeze it in a cup, add two teaspoons of honey and microwave it. Add a shot of liquor and drink it hot. Let me know how you feel in the morning....
Drink LOTS...take zinc and vitamin C.
Feel better soon!! Hugs to you!
toneec42 said…
It ain't pretty when a diva gets sick but rest, drink lots of fluids and watch daytime TV. Hurry and get well, I got missions for you waiting at the Command.
Rose said…
Yeah, get better soon-need you blogging to keep us laughing...ever heard of castor oil....I heard that would snap you out of it in two seconds flat...
Anonymous said…
Get better soon babygirl aight? If you need anything let a nigga know. I don't don't what might help but orange juice always does it for me.

Feel better.
DramaFree said…
I hope you feel better soon :(
DramaFree said…
I hope you feel better soon :(
Feel better soon, Ladybug... I love your spot here.

*Fedex-ing chiggen soup & Theraflu*
Brea said…
Trust me, when dogs get sick, it is NOT pretty. I guess that is where the saying came from. Anyhoo, I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!
Knockout Zed said…
Many colloquialisms have an ancient origin that is often complex and rife with cultural significance. The term "sick as a dog" was originated in 1587 by the Normans prior to their invasion of England. It stems from...

Naw, I'm bullshittin'. I don't have a fucking clue.

Get well soon,
brooklyn babe said…
Two Words. To make Ya betta...
Vod-Ka. Lol
Feel betta mama!
I'm here playing catch up.
Cherise said…
See what had happened was Teej passed it to me and then I passed it to you... LMAO((still coughing 2 weeks later)) Sowwy... Hope you aiight now... I was down for 2 weeks and it sucked because I used all of my sick days and then I had to go to work.

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