A Little Under The Weather...:(

Alright so it's about 2:53 am here in the Chi, and I am sick as a DOG:( Why do ppl say that "sick as a DOG?" I mean really I don't get it. *Dee-Dee looking baffled*
Oh Well my friends I will be under the covers blowing my wittle nose and coughing up phlegm until I get better. I hate being sick...I really do:(
Keep Blog Alive Friends...Keep Blog Alive:)*Dee-Dee coughing and picking up tissue box as she crawls back into bed...Awwww I hate being sick*
Feel better soon!! Hugs to you!
Feel better.
*Fedex-ing chiggen soup & Theraflu*
Naw, I'm bullshittin'. I don't have a fucking clue.
Get well soon,
Vod-Ka. Lol
Feel betta mama!
I'm here playing catch up.