"Go Dee-Dee It's Your Birthday....List!

evening and won't be home until my birthday has already begun, I have to post this tonight. I would like to thank all my blog buddies who have already raised their Champipple or Coke cans *wink* to help me celebrate:
Mills , BKBabe , Envizable , DIVA , Foxy , Rose ,
Michele , Brea , Chesty , Princess and...Greg
I don't take days like this for granted ppl...I am so blessed to be around yet another day. God has been so good to me...and I Love my Father for loving me so much:) Now on with the Birthday List!
7 Things I WANT...
Two: A new CAR
Three: A new laptop
Four: A new Bedroom set
Five: A new pair of Shoes...like I need anymore *cheez*
Six: More MAC cosmetics...I'm a little low right about now:)
Seven: A Vacation...Anywhere!
7 Things I NEED...
One: A new Vacuum cleaner
Two: A new Cell Phone...Sprint is about to make me lose it!
Three: A new Apartment...Does anyone have a room *cheez*
Four: A new Winter Coat...Burrrr!
Five: Hat, Scarf and Glove Set...Burrrr!
Six: Winter Boots....Again I say...Burrrr!
Seven: A new LV Wallet
Plus I can always use more Grace...more Mercy...more Patience...more Love...more Will...more Style...more Purity...more intelligence...more Humility...more Forgiveness...more Positivity...more Meekness...more Kindness...more Peace...more Joy...more Gentleness...more Faith...more Meekness...more Temperance...more Reasons to be me and no one else!
Thank you for celebrating life with me:)
Hugz to you!!!
*NameLiar sounds the trumpets*
I can probably help a sista, out with some Mac products for her bday
**she raises a glass of Asti b/c she's too broke for champagne** ;)
Thank you so very much for your birthday well wishes :)
I missed you Echo...:(
Awwwwwww I'm sorry babygirl...that was just a slight over sight trust me:)
I do wear a 7 1/2 8...I always buy a 8 1/2 due to the swelling of the feets....So bring em on!!!
Thanks twinial!!!!Whooo Wooooo!
Teej and Mills...
Let's have that rematch for my birthday celebo this weekend??
@Teej...you are so right!!! But "A girl can't have enough shoes" Carrie Bradshaw SITC
Thank you girl I need them joints like ASAP...lol:)
The Humanity Critic and Brea...
Thanks a whole BUNCH!!
@THC...Yes we do!:)
P.S. New shoes are ALWAYS a good thing! lol