The Plair Family Have Lost Their Minds...Why Me Folks?

*Dee-Dee on the spectacle called "The Entrance" I should have been in that d*mn chair!!*
I am now a firm believer (if I weren't before) that the other side of my family is NUTS! They are completely out of their fucking minds! And after you good folks read this post you to will be a firm believer like me....I'll sign ya'll up at the end:)
Okay so I go to this FRM and I of course was about 45 min late. Normally I am on time for everything but seeing how I didn't really want to be there I was late. Now when I get to the hotel where they were having this meeting, the door man was such a freakin prick! He comes telling me not to park my car on the side walk. Well first all he didn't know who I was*wink* so I let him slide with my first thought and asked him where should I park it then? *sarcastically...I'm good for that* He told me to park in one of them pay parking places down the street somewhere...*see....nvrmd* I said "sir...these shoes are for styling and profiling and looking cute, not for walking down the street....Next" Then this dude tells me to park in the alley...I say "dude you are really killing me right now. How about I stay here *putting my two quarters in the meter* and you have a nice day." I wanted to tell him to kiss my asphalt, but I am a lady ppl:)
Okay so I get to the little conference room and I walk in and see one person I recognized and he looked a hot mess (I'll get to that later) but before I walk over to him, I stop by the little food table and go to grab me something to eat on. Well just when I did someone slaps my hand and the food fell I looked to the side of me to see who it was so I could let them have it. Well it was my cousin Eva (the ex prostitute) and she says to me "ah ah...put that down, you don't want to become a fat fat do you?" I picked up my donut and took a bite from it and looked at her like trick *no pun intended* plz!! She must have thought I was one of her kids or something.
So I go over to the table and say hello to everyone and sit down. Bruce (better known as bay bay) comes up to me smelling like some hot funky musk like mess asking for a hug. I'm like stink!! But I held it in ya'll...and my breath. He says..."ah oh, dee-dee high class now. She done hit the big time." *dee-dee shaking her head. He has no idea* So then the other two come in...Devon (ADD) and Kena. Now Kena is okay at least I think so. She doesn't say much...I used to think she was a mute or Well we get the meeting underway and everything was going smooth until they started to pass out the duties for each city to be in charge of...Eva (NYC) got itinerary. Devon (Indianapolis) got decorations/paper. Kena (Mississippi) got entertainment...and I got...get this ppl...FOOD AND DRINK...WTF? Now hold on a cotton pickin minute! It's easy to find ish to do when you live in the place where the reunion is going to be held at! It's easy to go to the DOLLAR STORE and rack up on paper plates and napkins! It's easy to ask your brother or cousin june bug to spin the records or some ish!...But to feed and liquify about 100 and something ppl....NOT SO EASY! ESP ON MY BUDGET!...WTF??
I was blown away by that mess right there. And then Eva gets involved saying "look at her, she look like she can afford it." Trick *no pun intended* "just because a person looks like it, doesn't mean they got it like that." I don't have it like that...I act like I do, but times it's lean over here folks! They were straight killing me with this one. I was like *who me*...So I begin to tell them that the Roby fam is gonna need another thing to contribute...and let's keep it within the Roby fam budget folks got d*mn!!! So they are still on this "you guys can afford it type ish right" So now I begin to see why they want us to be apart of the reunion this year...they needs funds!! Oh now I get it. They think the Roby fam has all the money from when my triflin absentee father died....Got Ya! Well guess what sweet hearts he was a dead beat when he was living and guess what he is an even bigger one since he died! *God rest his soul*
I politely stated those accurate facts and grabbed my LV brief case and my LV clutch and hightailed my Liz Claibourne suit wearing ass out of there. Maybe at the next meeting they will be more civilized and give me something I can work with...LMAO!! Man I should keep the food/drink gig and bring everyone a choke sandwich and some water! LMAO!!
Fam...Can't live with them and... that's it. Now who's got next? The line starts at the back!:)
Dee-Dee says, "Back Up! Nobody touches the Louie and nobody gets hurt. We can all leave here like we came or y'all can leave out on stretchers. You decide."
Don't hurt 'em Dee-Dee...woo child you had me dying laughin' with this one. LMAO FO SHO'! can borrow the budnippers for this one if you need to. *smile*
"dee-dee popping her collar"
That's right don't nobody move!!:)lol
Awwwwwww thanks sweetie. I just might need them joints!!:)
Thanks I need them prayers too:)
You need to write a book...I swear it would be a best seller and have people laughing til they cry. You have a way with words! =)
Strut on, gurl... strut on.
I'm writing one right now! I just got a publisher and he is pushing that joint to:)
I'm excited about it too:)
Yes we can "LOOK" the
*Side note* Someone has a birthday coming up!!! *Dee-Dee bout ready to pop the champipple (a millie and teej joint)*
Hey well they ain't getting no funds out of me...I will ditch that reunion. Pull a DIVA (you) move on em!!
I will have to cop that legend/hill joint...thanks:)
I know all about Family Reunions - we host plenty of them and every family has the same kind of thing with you wealthy types cheapin out on the grub. Lots of spam sammiches gettin served in Myrtle Beach!
Good luck with the Relatives! Great as always