If The Shoe Fits...You Big Suck Up!

*This pic is entitled..."if the shoe fits" by Christopher Moses*

Well last night was my first night at my new job and I tell you folks, I couldn't be more grateful for it. I went in with the spirit of gratitude dripping for my lips. I couldn't wait to start work! Then she happened...got d*mn it! I knew my world would have to have some drama in it!!

One of my blog buddies while congratulating me on my new job, also said she can't wait to hear all the new blog material I was bound to have from my new job...well I won't disappoint ya love:)

I get to work about 9:55 because I caught a ride with a friend and when I get there these two ghetto looking chicks come walking in the door. I mean they both had two toned braids in their hair and had this stanky looking walk going on that just erked the hell out of me! Now I try not to judge but come on....stop giving me ammunition ppl.

Anyways one of the ghetto chicks sits down and strike up a conversation with me. She starts aking me about orientation and the position we were hired for...she was geeked ya'll trust and know. She was telling me about her four children and about one of her trifling "baby daddies" I hate that term. If she had of said it one more time ya'll....oooooooooh!! Well I must have look un-interested because she somehow stopped talking to me. *Dee-Dee rolling her eyes in delight...good* Our supervisor came and we got right to work.

Now I work for a bank as a Check analyst/Batch Data Clerk...in others words I read checks all night long...BIG FAT CHECKS!! "Me Likey" We had this big account we were working on and that's when she starts to really work my nerves. I am the type of person that likes perfection. I like things to be done right and I like things accurate. Our supervisor (Who's job by the way I'm gonna have) wastes no time putting us to work.

Okay so while we were doing our work, she who I now refer to as Mz Kiss A**, starts showing off. We were supposed to do 30 check reads/entry every 10 minutes, which is like 380 or so an hour. Okay sounds good. The lady told us to stop after every 30 and check the batch. Well lil Mz. Kiss A** was trying to type all fast and what not(trying to out do me of course) she went over 30 and we kept hearing this annoying beeping sound coming from her station. Come to find out the computer only processed the first 30 checks she put in and it wasn't reading the 300 and something she put in after that. *Dee-Dee lhao...* She was so busy kissing up to the supervisor lady and trying to out do me, that she had to turn around and re-read and re-key that whole d*mn batch of checks!! Now that's freakin HEE-LARRY-US!!:)

I tell you this job is going to be fun fun fun!!


congrats on the new gig!!
Didi Roby said…

Thank you...it's always good to hear from you:)

Oh I got YOU on that bacon and eating thang baby!!:)


Yeah looks like it:) These ppl are crazy:)

The Humanity Critic...

Thank you!:)


That's right I'm gonna do bigger thangs at this place trust and know:)

Yeah she needs to be crackin right about...now!:)

Thanks girl:)
Cherise said…
Miss Dee-Dee I'm back...Did ya miss me? lmao.. I had the most wonderful time!!! I'm going to blog all about it and it's definitely going to be a long one. I have this new laptop that I'm loving and typing on as we speak... lol Now I can lay in bed,watch Iron Chef AND blog all at once..Ahhhh Technology.. Well, I'm just stopping thru to say hi! And congrats on the new job!!! Watch the baby momma drama ...hahahaaaa...LMAO
Teej said…
Ha! That's what her toned-head, 4 baby daddy having gets. No wait. That wasnt nice was it? *Slaps wrist* Bad Teej!

Congrats on the new position sweetie...
LadyLee said…
Congratulations on your new job.

Unfortunately, ass kissers and boot lickers lurk on every job. I see it as an issue of low self worth, really... So, so annoying. They're just like roaches. I wish there was a special spray for getting rid of them...

livewell said…
It's a setup Dee-Dee. Keep this one closeer than the others. She will be your stepping stool to elevate you to the level you aspire...
Rose said…
Girl-I told you that you are funny..two toned braids-I hate those-were they fiery red or some other loud color? I'm looking forward to your blogs from your experience at this new job...
Isn't there always at least one person like that at every office..GRR! It's like God's trying us with fire...or sometimes I think sandpaper because some people just rub me the wrong way! LOL

But on the brighter side, I'm glad you set your sights high with the supervisor job! LOL You know you can do it easy!
Ddot the King said…
That's too funny! You should have big fun just tripping off them folks. I'll have to check back for more stories...
Didi Roby said…
Thanks you guys for that show of support...she has done some new and interesting things as of late. and I will fill you guys in on that soon enough...


She should have known better!!:)

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