Nephews, Landscum, Hottie Dude...Horray!

Okay folks I was going to post something that happened on the job last night but I just had the misfortune of dealing with my dumba** landscum, so that post will have to wait! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Well this is the deal. I live in an 18 unit apartment building that is about 100 years old and at one point was owned by these two elderly ppl until they sold it two years ago. Now the man that now owns this crappy building didn't really know the headache that he was buying, but he has managed to give it little bit of a face lift. Well I sort of kinda liked dude as a landscum(up until today) and tried to treat him kindly and what not, and tried to look out for him on certain issues that were going on around the building....well he can kiss all that ish goodbye! This dude pissed me off folks and he better be lucky I am sweet as pie cause otherwise...*dee-dee thinking about that ish for a sec....naw! he is going to suffer the repercussions of this here one*
alright so I was sleeping and my mother called and asked me to go and pick up my nephews from after care. I get up and get ready to go. Now keep in mind that I told you I was sleep when she called me so I had on my PJ's when I left out the house folks. I washed my face and brushed the teeth and grabbed what I thought were my keys and went out the door. "DANG! these are not my keys. Shooks!" Normally this would not be a problem, but since my "landscum" put in new locks, I was for sure locked out of my apartment. Well I went down stairs to use my mother's phone so I could call my "landscum" and get him to come and let me in. I called about three times before he answered the phone, and when he did his tone let me know that he was not going to like what I was about to say....but I didn't care!
I tell him that I was locked out of my house and asked if he would plz get to my house like ASAP so I could get in. Well don't you know he beings to go off on a sister. He starts telling me how this is not his problem and that he is going to have to charge me if he comes out and let me in....WTF? Hold a minute ya'll....*dee-dee speaking* "you mean to tell me that if landlord(scum) the man who is SUPPOSED to fix these types of situations...if you come out and let me back in my apartment I will have to pay you for that?" He goes into how he is at home waiting for some dude to finish fixing his computer and whatever this time I am totally pissed off and I hang up on him. He calls me back and says:
Landscum: Deirdre this is John again...
Me: Yes, okay
Landscum: Look Deirdre you have two choices. You can either call a locksmith and get back in your apartment. Or I will charge you 40.00 dollars and I will be there in about 3's your choice."
*dee-dee trying to maintain her composure and drive at the same time...see this is why ppl have accidents folks*
Me: John you are a mess for this right here. That's okay I will just call a locksmith and when he hands me the bill, I will just give it to you. Because it is a whole lot of ish in my apartment that I could have had FIXED and charged you or withheld my rent for. (landscum tried to speak) No no there a hole in the ceiling at your house where your wife and child live? Is there a hole in the kitchen floor where your wife cooks your food? Can your family take a freaking bath John...sure they can cause they don't live here...You will see my bill if I call the locksmith.
Landscum: You act as if I didn't do anything in your apartment Deirdre....didn't I give you new windows?
Me: You gave the building new windows John! It's okay John....CLICK! I was done talking about it!
Now do you guys remember that I told you what I had on....that's right mz prissy had on her PJ's and was locked out of the house....WTF? I was looking a complete mess and couldn't get in my house. That's not all folks. Here I was at my door trying to use a screw driver and hammer to get into my apartment....when the dude from the second floor was coming in. Now this dude is a total hottie and at one point I was digging on him. That is until my newly inquired crush antics *wink* So I was hoping that he would not ask me if I needed any help. Well don't you know he came up to my floor (due to all the noise I was making trying to get in) and said:
Hottie dude: okay? What happen?
Me: *dee-dee wishing she were invisible at this point* No I locked myself out and now I'm trying to break in my apartment. (snicker)
Hottie dude: Well here let me help you with that. You look like you are struggling a bit.
Me: *still wishing for invisibility* thank you.
Well after a few minutes and a couple of sweat beads later, hottie dude got into my apartment and save the day. I offered him something to drink and thanked him for helping a sister out. I tell you folks if there is one thing truly learned from this whole's.....
Lesson learned...Goodnight!:)
I always seem to run into people I haven't seen in a long time when I am wearing cut off shorts and an oversized tee-shirt, no makeup, hair in a ponytail...when I take time to do myself up right, I won't run into a soul I know.
No more Mz. Nice Girl with the landscum now!
My husband is a landlord and he often gets out of bed even at 2 or 3 in the morning to let someone in who is locked out. That's just part of the dang job. It only bothers me when he asks me to go along to keep him company! I'm not a happy wake up person! HaHa!! :)
Yeah I guess it's not is it? :)
Me too:) Sunday School right? :)
Your husband is a genuine article. I realize that some things happen at the wrong times...but not to come at all...madness!
why is that? I saw this one guy I used to date as I was coming out of the laundrymat...with rollers in my head...what was I thinking about?
Yes it did and I sure hope he did...that was not the first impression I care to show off:)
Yeah sometimes my life can take a wild turn around them corners...(the corners are the situations)LOL:)
Thanks and you too sweetie:)
You must stay in a pimp frame of mind. Focus grasshopper. You are still learning tho'
Thanks for that idea. He's in my "cut pile!"
I'm time I will not
LMAO @ Mill for Grasshopper...
Dang that Princess...Hottie dude was one in a
That's right send it on back to dude:)
Yes I do remember and thought about it as I was typing...I said "Diva saw ol boy while in her sweats" trying to