Chivalry IS Dead...Can A Sister Sit Down Plz!

I had to break it down for you before I broke it down for you...My brothas my brothas...what done happen to ya'll? Now I am not talking about all men, but if you fall into this category then shame on you!
Okay so this morning I had to get up pretty early because I had to go to my jobs orientation which was all the way in Rolling Meadows, IL and my chitown ppl know that is a heck of a long way from the south side of Chicago. Just to give you an idea of how far it is from car it's about an hour and 45away. And by bus and's about 2 hours away from me!! and I was on the bus and train folks!! *dee-dee going "whew" just thinking about it* I had to be there at 9 am so that meant I had to be on my way no later then 6 am. I could have driven the car but my mother had it...that right there is gonna have to stop.
Anyway, I made it to this place on time and in one piece. See having a car can make you a little spoiled and lazy folks...yes indeed. When I get to the place I see these two tall buildings that looked like the World Trade Towers and at first I didn't want to go in. Come on now... two tall towers called tower 1 and tower 2? Wouldn't you hesitate to go in after that? Be honest folks! Well needless to say I go on in and head to the 8 floor. Here is where my morning slightly goes array. When I go to get off elevator this one dude who was on there with me whisks pass me and almost knocks me down trying to get off. Now pardon me good people but shouldn't he have let the women off before himself? "If he had any Chivalry he would have." so I say to myself..."well I'll be d*mn."
Then at lunch time the lady who was conducting the orientation sent out for food and drinks for us to eat. (thank you Christie) Well don't you know that some other dude from orientation ran up to the front of the line to make himself a plate, while this very pregnant woman has to wait while he just helps himself! Now pardon me good ppl, but shouldn't he have waited until the pregnant woman made her plate first? "If he had any Chivalry he would have." so I say to myself..."well I'll be d*mn."
Then on my way home from this God forsaken place all the way in no mans land, I make my way to the train and proceed to the turnstyle to put my transfer in the little slot thingy. And wouldn't you know some other dude rushes past and puts in transfer in the thing before I get a chance to. Now pardon me good ppl, shouldn't he have waited for me to put mine in first, before literally pushing me to the side to put his in first? "If he had any Chivalry he would have." so I say to myself..."well I'll be d*mn."
Then the final straw took place when I got half way to my house ya'll. I was waiting at the Dan Ryan for the 79th street bus and that bugger there is always packed,but I get on anyway and had to stand up. Now it was about 30 men on this bus folks....Hyperbole (hy·per·bo·le KEY NOUN:
A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.) However, I didn't care about me sitting down, I was more concerned about the older woman who got on right after me. Do you not know that not narra (that's right narra) one of them dudes relinquised their seat to this woman! That was it folks...that was the straw that broke it for me! After dude from the elevator...dude at the lunch table...and dude from the EL station...I was hot by then ya'll. I said *with a strong/angry tone* "I just know one of these many men that are sitting down is about to ask this older woman would she like to have a seat! I just know it!" Well needless to say after my very public display of emotion, this young dude got up and gave that woman his seat. (thank you Derek I think it was)
Fellas... come on now...ya'll need to make some changes. Then you wonder why some of us women don't take you seriously. You keep on giving us all this ammunition that's why. Let's get it together huh?
*Side note...not all men are this triflin, however if you have done any of the as for mentioned things in this post...I WAS SPEAKING ON YOU!*
When them nappy head nephews of yours gonna come see me?
Wanna find out what happens next? Only one place to be!
BTW, when you got off at Rosemont wasn't it like a mad dash to get to the bus terminal...People be basically jogging/running...I used to think to myself dang slow down thirsty this ain't the 100 yard dash...that use to make me laugh.
I called you man! Heck I called everyone I know...I did not want to do that un-speakable thing trust and know:)
Soon man real soon:)
I appauled your mother for doing so:)
You better open the door for us gals upon entry to that place where you will be de-throned:)
I just have to speak my mind chile:)
I bet some didn't even see Webster coming on this one did they?:)
One or know how they come out like little roaches or some ish:)
"Go foxy...Go foxy"
*Dee-Dee pulling the curtain closed...I need to speak to this one in private (wink)
Thank you. I hope and pray your morning/day is going well also:)
Like the running of the bulls or
some ish:)
And here I am wanting to go to NYC and you done left me:(
Lol...yeah I do. It makes ppl think I am a punk though, so I may need to borrow some of that Compton of yours boo:) LOL
You are right about that kidnapped thang...
I was late for my Mani/Pedi and I managed not to stop the world for my needs...but then again I'm spoiled so that don't count...:)
I sure hop they get it together Rose...I would like to marry one of their a**es sooner or