Singin The Blues...An Old Post Re-visited...Still Wanna Know

*Wondering..."will I always be alone?"*

Okay so it's 7:08 pm, and haven't had much sleep...Not to mention the fact that I have to Go to work in about an hour and a half. Wow! What the h*ll was I thinking when I got out of bed in the first place? Don't really know actually. I thought I heard something in the other room, but come to find was the people underneath me doing...well take a guess? So naturally I go straight for the computer...right now this boy(my computer) and I are having a serious relationship*wink* I can't take my hands off of him...*smiling* If only..well never mind I'll saved that for another entry.

As I sit here and check emails, visit my "pages" for interesting posts that surely I will responses to, I begin to ponder that same thing I ponder from time to time....Why is it that the man/woman you DON'T want, does all the things you like a man/woman to do...? (ie; constant phones, unexpected visits, flowers for no reason (so many you can't even breathe) letters, notes, gifts, poems....etc) and the ones that you DO want...don't? (ie; constant phones, unexpected visits, flowers for no reason(so many you can't even breathe), letters, notes, gifts...etc) I of course have a theory to the madness. I even began to share said theory with a friend of mine who clearly would like to challenge me on it (speak on it teej) Now you don't have to see it my way, I just feel this needs to be said and a comment must be read in order for this world I have so cleaverly created for myself can have rhyme and reason.

I think the reason why the ones we want are not the ones we get is because, they are not the ones who will keep it up after they have gotten our noses open. They already fill like hey, 'I might not call you every day (just to say hello or how was your day?) so why start?'
And as for the ones who shower you with so much affection you need to bathe in reality after they are done...well, they know you are used to it so they figure hey, "I better keep this ish up or else she/he (don't want to leave anyone out*wink*) might flip out on me!" In either case I have yet to figured the whole thing out. Maybe I am the one with the jaded point of view. After all I am the first one to admit my flaws. Maybe someone else has a better explanation.

Remember this is just my opinion! I am always willing to hear what other ppl have to say:)

*Dee-Dee sitting down, flipping her note book open with pen in hand. Ready*


Anonymous said…
You just picking the wrong niggas that's all babygirl. I can count at least 4 niggas I done seen you hang out with that were in my opinion "fucked up" excuse my french dee-dee's fellow blog buddies.

I hate it when my babygirl is being treated grimmy by any nigga!

She is a queen fellas and that's for real.
Rose said…
I just think that some men feel that what ever you did to get that dimepiece, you going to have to keep doing it, so why should I start doing something I'm not going to finished? Guess what? It is usually the ones that we want that ain't gone do sh*t anyway.(I don't cuss really) Been there, done that mentality..
I think the "good one" is when you find someone who's in-between the overheated and the super cool...a nice warm person who knows when you need to be lavished in attention, but can sense when to back off and let a girl (or a boy) breathe.

That intense passion makes you know you are loved...and when they step back for a little bit, you start to miss being the center of their world, so the chase is on I making any sense?

I just know what didn't work for me (had one marriage go down the tubes and a few too many bad relationships) before I found THE ONE.
It was always the extremes (either too clingy or too cool) that eventually got old with me.

Sorry about the long post! :)
Well let me say this...You are never alone. As long as you have yourself you will be just fine and I think that this is where so many of us drop the ball. However it's ok because day to day we get a chance to build a better relationship with ourselves that goes on to allow us to build better relationships with others. I swear this is about 3rd enlightning blog I have read today....I'm about to change it from WHY Wednesdays to WOW Wednesdays!

Your Host.....Foxy
Anonymous said…
I really understand you. I have fought tooth and nail for the man I want. He still doesnt want me. I do have a guy would will not leave me the hell alone. I am like should I start talking to him.
Ddot the King said…
I completely agree with Envizable! i couldn't have said it better...
Anonymous said…
ditto! envizable says it out loud and clear!
Shelia said…
Girl, I recently went through a breakup so anything I say about men at this point won't be too nice. I do know there are some good ones out there and even with the good ones, you have to weed through the bull to get to rhe right one.
Girl you need to break him off with a custom mixtape...I bet then you'd get flowers for absolutely no reason.
Cherise said…
Sigh... Well, the ones we want always want someone other than us!THe ones that DO want us and would give us the world, we blow off due to some flaw or personal preference we have rather than give that person a chance. We're all guilty of it.
Didi Roby said…
Well first of all let me say thank you to all of you who shared your opinions with me...However there is one that I would like to comment on...Envizable...

Yeah we sure do that those things you mentioned that we as women do. And sure guys may do all the things he can to IMPRESS us...what I want to understand is why does it have to stop when I finally put my whole self in? I'm tried of playing HOKIE POKIE with my soul.

I am tried of meeting the "representative" when I get approached by a your true self in the beginning. That's all I ask so I can make a fair assumption:)

And I see you had an amen corner:)
heheeh is my firt time I found a blog with music :D...... great blog!!!

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