Show Me The Money! Annie's Cry

*If I go off during this post...plz forgive me*

Well in lue of recent events with the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina. I am now faced with yet another devastating situation that has left me broken hearted and pissed off all at the time:(

*Breathe Dee*

Okay so my youngin girlfriend Antonea whom I affectionately refer to as "Annie" posted something on her blog that broke my heart and got me to thinking. Why is it that when some people have children, they don't start working on their son or daughters educational futures at day one? I mean why do they wait until their son or daughter has graduated highschool to start finding financial assistance for their child to attend college?

I mean I know some parents who right now are struggling to put their child through college and are scrambling around grabbing at every possible resource in order for them to pay for 1 semester of college. (I hope I don't offend someone) See I have seen this too many times in the past. The parent fusses at the child to stay in school and get good grades so that he/she will be able to attend a good college, so that they might have a better life then what mommy and daddy have. Okay so said child goes to school everyday, gets the good grades and time comes for him/her to graduate. They come up to their parents and say " did what you said. I went to school and kept my grades up and now I am ready to go to college so i can make a better life for myself like you said I would." So what do some parents say to the child "We're sorry lil bobby/betty. We can't afford to send you to college right now. We didn't prepare for this day like we told you to do or like we should have done. Sorry sweetie." Sucks right?

Why do we do this to our children?....*Sorry ya'll.................give me a minute here*

As a former teacher I have such a love for children and their well being. It hurts me to know that the ppl who were chosen to take care of and look out for these children are not doing so through preparation for college. *whew I'm sorry folks I can't hold back the tears* I'm not saying that these parents are bad parents, I'm just asking why don't we think about these things early on.

My girl Annie is 19 years old and if/when you read her story, you will see she did what she was supposed to do and got accepted to Fisk University on what she thought was a full scholarship. Well that was not the case and now she is back in Chicago trying to get into Columbia and is having financial woos there as well. I know some of you might say "there is grant money out there and what about student loans." well she has tried that and we are still filling out applications for money so that she will be able to attend the college of her choice. Now this girl has a 3.7 gpa and has her head on straight. I hope and pray that she will not get discouraged and give up going to college all together. Iv'e seen that happen as well.

I have been talking to some ppl that I know who have children and I have been trying to convince them that they should start some type of college fund now so they can avoid this type of sitch later on down the line. One of my friends who I wrote about (read: That's it I'm Outta Here" July) is too concerned with her own issues that she won't even get up and apply for the jobs I tell her about, and she has 6 We can buy and do everything else, but we don't think to invest in our child's(rens) future...D*mn!

This is why I am emotional ppl. The children can't do it...we have to do it for them. My sister is doing it and she is a SINGLE it can be done.

I wish like h*ll I could help this youngin go to school...I really do. All I can do is PRAY...WILL YA'LL DO THE SAME:)


Anonymous said…
I read her blog Dee and it did touch a you well know I gots 4 kids myself and I started a college fund after my 2nd son Jabril was born.I knew I had to do something man.

You know Be Be put her damn self through college and now she will be Principle of a grammer school over in cali making her one of the youngest ones to do it. So it can be done man.

I feel you babygirl. And big as yo heart is I know you would pay it if you could.

Teej said…
Wow what a touching post DeeDee. I whole-heartedly agree too. It would make things soooo much easier if parents started college funds for the kids at their toddler stage. Sometimes real life gets in the way of that. Sometimes people can just be trife. In any event this is great insight and great advice. Iffin's I do have kids I will definitely heed this. Also please believe I understand about Columbia. One of these days...I'll find a way to pay them what I owe to finish.
Didi Roby said…

Yeah be be did that thang. I was so full today. Thanks for chking her out:)

Thanks for the comment. It's always good to hear from you:)

Take care of that and finish:)


That's a lot baby:)

See you soon:)


Yeah I will be prepared as well. I have learned so much through this whole thing with Annie...she's tough though she will be fine:)

Oh yeah the painting...I love this one and when I saw it I felt it fit the mood I was in:)

Thanks for the cool points:)
Ddot the King said…
I'm in complete agreement with you dee-dee! Some parents just don't see the big picture.
DramaFree said…
I hope everything turns out well for your friend. Keep praying for her...prayer changes things :)
Didi Roby said…
ddot the king...

The big picture is right...Thanks for stopping by:)

Toni aka Annie...

You welcome youngin:)

I am doing all I can man!!:)



Love that name!!:)

Thanks. Annie is tough...she'll be fine:)

Proactiff aka twin...

You know it's fine:)

She's tough! I just wanted ppl to see that even though there are resources out there...the CHILD shouldn't have to do any UN-NECESSARY struggling if some of these parents would do the part they were meant to do.

My Cousin Be Be put herself through school and is now principle of a grammer school at 27!! So I know she can do it on her own...but why should she have to?

Thanks for your comments folks:)
Rose said…
A friend of ours (19) have a gpa 3.78 her second year in college. She didn't get scholarships for college because in her senior year of high school she made a 20 on the ACT test, while her gpa consistently felled between 3.5 and up. She was told that her ACT did not match her gpa. They acted like she cheated all her life for her gpa. Mother is a principal and did not take the child to retest because mother didn't feel like it. Young lady had a bad test day. My husband and I have been saving since my daughter won a pageant at 2 years old. She is in the 12 grade. She can go to college but she will leave here with C plus average. Her friend cried why didn't her mother save for her...I just listened. I wondered why don't my child have a 3.7 to go free...I have been trying to find the teen a scholarship but for right now I think she is going on school would think an educator knew better but parents need to check themselves...our children need our help and financial support to make it.
Didi Roby said…
Envizable and Rose....

Amen! Amen! Amen!:)

I only hope someone read this post and the comments left and started that colleg fund like ASAP:)

Thanks my ppl for your comments:)

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