Easy Children Chitown In The Building...It's A Fam Reunion

Well I survived the 11-7 shift at my new job with only minor issues and I tell you folks it is more then a notion! Okay so I am off Friday Saturday and Sunday. *dee-dee grinning from ear to ear* Don't hate! It doesn't get any better then that for me right there. However and there always is an however. I was chosen to be the Chitown liaison for the 2006 Plair family reunion to be held in Queens NY...wtf? Why me?
First of all I barley know these ppl and last I checked we (my fam) weren't even invited to the last family reunion so why this year? *dee-dee scratching her head* I mean these ppl don't even want my prim and proper a** at these meetings in the first place, because they know if say anything out of pocket, the "Diva" is gonna let them have it! In a good way of course. *dee-dee pointing out that she does not act unseemly in public*
Now the ppl who are coming are...well how can I put this...Eva is an ex-prostitute (seriously!) Devon is ADD (attention dude delirious) and the other two...well they need Jesus. And they always bring their great grand mother in hoisted up in the air like she is the freakin queen sheba or some ish. *dee-deee not hating entirely. I want to be hoisted up in air like I'm the freakin queen sheba or some ish my d*mn self...wink* The only reason they bring her is because even though all the ideas and comments have gone forth, she still has the final say so on the reunion plans...wtf? Then why am I even here in the first place. *stupid*
These are my triflin absentee father's side of the the family. God rest his soul I never knew him or his family so this whole family reunion meeting is a bit un-necessary to me. However I will rather go then send my mother and have to take me newly increased pay check and bail her out of jail with it. For you see I could buy myself a new pair of Manolo's with that money honey!!:)
The only one of them that I half way know is my Grandmother (my father's mother) she has a color complex though. Meaning she thinks she is white folks! *she is on some 'Imitation of Life' type mess for real folks* She used to say to my mother and almost caught a serious beat for it to, that "if she (my sister) is not as light as a brown paper bag, she is not worth much"...wtf? She always made comments like that concerning my sister and I. See I look more like my father's side of the family as far as complexion and facial features (except for me nose) and my sister is chocolate smooth baby! I love her complexion. So you see that whole family has some serious issues...*dee-dee listening to "family reunion by jill scott to mentally prepare*
Who wants to ride shot gun?:)
I guess it's sort of similar to the way white folks seem to make like blonde hair and blue eyes are "angel like" or whatever...
My mom was a blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned lady...and my daddy is from Germany by way of Israel...he has jet black curly hair...dark brown eyes, and tanned looking skin.
I ended up a nice mix of the two, but I know my grandmother wanted a little blue-eyed, white haired grandbaby to show off, and instead she got me...light brown eyes, dark blonde hair, olive complexion...
whatever...I feel pretty (except my big hips! LOL)
Family reunions...YIKES, I do not envy you...been there, done that...saw where I inherited my craziness! LOL
Im empathizing with ya Dee...really I am. I totally understand too.
Nah but I know exactly what you mean about this family reunion ish...My grandmother acts as if she has a color problem. Everytime I see her she almost gets cussed out. But I be respecting my elders and ish. womp womp.
But I will ride shotgun if you need me to. I bet yo people in New York are somehow related to my people in New York. You know this is a small world...*smile*
Isn't that a mess...the color stuff? We segregate ourselves don't we?
You mean the one she barely ever makes?
Thanks baby:)
You find out where you get your issues from by attending those things I swear:)
Alright girl let's posse up then!!:)
And your "small world" comment brought about some memories girl...let's get em':)
*dee-dee and namelia fixing ta let you have it. Not you this time Teej*
What is Fotki? So until you tell me what thiat is...it's ain't me...lol:)
Ooooh I would love to help out in that sitch...you girl is going to like it here if she and her husband can find things to do...I have combed this city several times over I think:)
Keep me posted:)
I sure will. I have to to keep from snapping off when I'm around them...which is not often:)
Yeah man threed day weekend, but because it's nights...I go in Sun night...that suckes:)
Your grandmother has some serious issues yow! She's stuck in the "nuttin black nuh good" mindframe.
*dee-dee in a soft voice*
lift that head up my sister froma another mother...:) we new to this twin thang:)
Girl it's good to hear from ya!:)
I thought you fallen off the planet...and only came back to blog...lol:)
Yeah man she is a bonified mess!!:)
I come from a mixed fam as well and that's why my Grand mother says that mess...she is white and wanted her grandchildren to be as fair as possible (hence the brown paper bag line) she is a mess and always will be I guess:)
Girl get yo end on that plane so we (including the teej) can do the d*mn thing...lol:)
Family reunions can be a bitch!! My family is crazy, big, loud, and sometimes very mean.
Good luck!
I sent you my response...*smile*
Yes them joints are...thanks girl:)
Pray for me man...they gonna make me snap!
Isn't life and it's whoos a trip? If I hear "red chile or red bone" one more time...I might scream!
Sometimes that mess will give ppl a complex or some ish.
I always enjoy your writing style:)
And don't get me started on the color thing. I grew up being the darkest of my mother's family and the lightest of my father's. All of them are crazy as far as I'm concerned and need to let that ish go already!