Crush Antics of A Dee-Dee...These Are My Confessions Pt 1

Has anyone ever had a secret crush and didn't quite know how to deal with it? I mean this type of ish is case sensitive! If you say or do the wrong thing it could have an adverse effect on the out come of the crush situation. I have been crushing on this dude I know for a while now, and I am quite sure that he knows it. I mean I don't make things painfully obvious, but I am crushing hard...(no Mills it's not him) Okay so these are my confessions and I hope I get a release from this nightmare soon.

Well there is this guy that I know and he seems to to be really cool ppl. I mean we have talked via email and what not but we haven't actually "met". Why is it that when you have a crush on someone even in your "wise" of age, it's hard to tell them how you really feel? Well it's only hard for me I guess...cause I have a few girls that would just run up on dude and say what's what!:) Why haven't I learned how to do that? I just can't see myself saying some ish like..."eh hem *dee-dee clears her throat* Hey now! what's good? Ummm I'm really feeling you and I was wondering if you would like to grab a bite to eat or maybe have conversation over a cup of coffee...." WTF? I can't do that right there...I just can't! I would feel like such a fool...I know I know...Diva , Mills , and quite possibly BkBabe are gonna let me have it, but I am just being honest. What's my main motto folks..."I am the first one to admit my flaws" However my witty banter and beaming smile were designed to hide them...*wink*

I mean this guy seems to be awesome. He makes me think and I love that in a man...*batting eyelashes* He is sweet, compassionate, honest with his feelings, open, funny, sympathetic and murch murch more...*smiling*
These are the guys that you go to God about and ask.."Lord where these brothas at...huh?" I mean I posted something a while back that asked the question "where are all the good men at?" They are at home taking care of home and the losers are out here picking up girls in clubs by "assuming" they know you and trying to read your behind during a verse of what ever the DJ has spinnin at the time. Ahhhhhh! this is why my crush antics are so high, because I wish like h*ll I could met a man like this one who is about the business of wanting a long lasting relationship and not just an on/off sexcapade.

I am getting sort of tired of the whole game anyway...I mean I can count on one hand how many men I have been with sexually and on two hands how many I have dated. I am just an old fashioned girl with some high tech freaky tendencies...*tongue sticking out* LMAO!! that was funny!:) Well until I get up my nerve...these are my confessions:)


Rose said…
Dee Dee you are too funny. Once I had a crush on this man that was "too die for fine", I told him. See I'm open like that. Then he said he had a crush on me too and wanted to go out. Guess what! That broke the spell for me...I didn't have a crush anymore. Weird huh! Interesting post.
brooklyn babe said…
Nope. I'm not going to get on you.
THIS TIME! Lol, as I've been that female, heck I am that female. Dee-dee you know how we are, we have big mouths, big hearts, and quick to cut cha if you fuck with us, but then comes along that one, that makes you raise an eyebrow, and actually shuts you the fuck up, all you can do is listen and be like "whoah." And raise the other eyebrow at God, like is he toying with you or sumptin?
So we wait and listen for any b.s. to seep out, while we build up courage, I'm a pray on that for you ma.

Reminds me of this duded I keep bumping into, like every 6 months, like on some "next lifetime" shit, but ya never know.....
Heads high.
brooklyn babe said…
By the way, Dee-Dee whats going up with the tossed up hair "Top Model" pic, what was reeeealllly going on in that *wink*
Does this dude read your blog? Maybe you should nonchalantly direct him to it and see if he figures it out. ;)

BTW, I thought of top model when I saw that new pic, too.
Did you watch the premiere last night?
Cherise said…
If you never reveal this crush you have on this man you may lose a really good guy! Take a chance, we only live once.. so they say! lol BTW.... love the hair!!
Dee Dee Imma fight you for the picture!!!

Fierce mama!!
Brea said…
I've had many experiences like Rose, after I find out a crush is also intrested, I'm looking for the exit sign. It is weird but I guess I just like the excitement of a crush. Enough about me...

Come on Dee, just tell him how you feel!!! "I did it" is always better than "I wish I had".

Have a great weekend sweetheart - I need to get off this computer and finish packing!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Belated Birthday...

Didi Roby said…

Yeah that is weird...what's up with that? LOL:)


"I'm too sexy for myself...too sexy for sexy it hurts" Ha!

I can't believe that my "wise" behind is still crushing over here.


Yes he does but I don't think he cares about stuff like this:(

No I didn't but one of my other blogs says..."I am Americas Next Top Model" Isn't that weird? :)


You are so right...and thanks love.


Thanks foxybaby! I'm trying to do the dang thang!


Thanks girl I guess I will find some brave one day soon:)

Get that packing done sweetie:)


Thanks baby!:)


You always know what and how to say the right thing that will make me get up and get on my business!

Thanks girl:)
I've been there :) its fun to have the crush and the fantasy. Like Rose says it can change once you find out he's crushing too or it could just make it the perfect hook up match...hey, stay open sweetie!
toneec42 said…
It's a tough call Dee-Dee. I've had crushes and told them and it worked out and it didn't work out. And I've had crushes who I didn't tell; it worked out and it didn't work out. But if you don't try it, you'll never know.

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