Red Cross Trynna Stick Me For My Shoes!

Ring!!!!! Ring!!!! Ring!!!! "(Me) Hello? (My Mother) Dee? (Me) Yes Maam, what's wrong? you good? (My Mother) Yeah I'm fine. The Red Cross ppl are here. Which bag did you say? (Me) The one in the corner of the living room. Make sure it's the right bag before they leave Shegon'...okay? (My Mother) Okay...where you at? (Me) Dennys... (My Mother) Okay be careful it's raining outside you know? (Me) Yes ma'am I know...Want anything when I return? (My Mother) Some cigarettes but you ain't gon buy em'... (Me) Sure won't...anything else?(My Mother) Shit! I guess I will go myself the rain and what not. (Me) I guess so then. Love you Ma...bye." Clickup!!! That's conversation that started the whole Red Cross fiasco. Chk it out.

Okay so when the news broke of the Hurricane and I saw how the victims were struggling, I thought to myself what could I do to help. at the time of the hurricane I was working as a camp counselor and barely getting paid, so I knew monetary donations were not an option so I thought..."you have alot of clothes and shoes dee, some of which you have never worn." So I began to gather those things up and sent them to my church which was a big supporter of the victims. And sent some clothes and water and what not to PUSH headquarters here in the Chi. I was happy that I could do something to help those families survive. Well after I got the job that I have know and at the time I was still pinning over Hottie Dude from the 2nd floor...I began to really clean my apartment. I mean from top to bottom folks. I was baggin up stuff and throwing away was a mess I tell you, but I finally got the house looking like it should.

Fast forward to Oct just before Halloween.
I was going through my closets again to find something to piece together for the Halloween thingy at my job. I was going to be a goo~goo dancer, but I couldn't find my boots for that outfit. And if anyone knows me I will not wear a certain thing if the outfit is not complete. Just can't do it folks! Anyway as I was looking I saw a few more items that I could send to the victims that by this time have gone back home and are trying to start over. So I bagged them up and called a few places to see who was still accepting donations. First of all I love my ppl ya'll..........but we can be trifflin sometimes. I called PUSH first right and the lady on the phone who shall remain nameless....that 's enough remaining for juuu Tina! Had a very nasty tone of voice with me...I guess she was tired right? So!!!!!!! I get tired too sometimes and I don't change my tone with folks! So naturally once you tick me off I'm pretty murch done with you until further notice, so I called Red Cross and they said they would have someone out as soon as possible.
Well as soon as possible turned out to be Friday of last week. I had bagged the things up nice and neat and told my mother where the bag was in my apartment. I went on about my way and thought that would be that....*dee~dee shaking her head slowly from side to side* Folks, why did my mother give them the wrong bag! Why! *little tiny tears in my eyes while doing my best Florida Evans..."Damn! Damn! Damn!"* She gave them the bag that had ALL...I SAY ALL of my Summer Shoes in it! I got home from Denny's and was like..."Ma? I thought you said Red Cross had been here?" She was like..."They were. They took the bag in the corner...right?" I was like..."No. They took my shoes Ma!" By this time folks I am frantic. I'm calling Red Cross and them trying to find my shoes...I said..."Ma, come on we got to go get my shoes back!"
Now I just want to pause and say any of the hurricane victims they maybe reading this right now...I's sorry for sounding a bit insensitive right now...but ya'll just don't know...My Manolos were in there. My Maddens were in there. My 1 pair of Choos were in their...I was a mess ya'll! Anyway let's get back to the story...
We get down to the Red Cross place and walk up to the counter. I say "Hello my name is Dee~Dee and I called on Oct 27th and made arrangements for you guys to come and pick up a bag of....(now at this time I see my bag going pass me. I know it's my bag cause it was pink!) I run over to the cart and the person who was pushing it and go..."Excuse me sir, but this is my bag here (trying to take it off the cart) You see, you guys picked up the wrong bag...we have the right bag in the car if you would like it come and get it..." He was like..."Let me get you a manager." Well long story somewhat short, I got my shoes back and the Red Cross didn't catch a beat down. All is well in Dee~Deeville.
*Dee~Dee thinking...I should have taken the bag myself...Parents don't remember nothing! (wink)*


Brea said…
Never get between Dee-Dee and her shoes!!! LMAO
She Shall said…
Oh NO...not the shoes!
brooklyn babe said…
Not the Manolos???? Whoah.
Didi Roby said…

You gots that right ma!:)

Tiff L...

Man! I was frantic chica!


I need another one just for shoes I do


Yes so you know I was about to turn Red Cross all the way upside down ma!


Rose said…
I am so glad that you got them back....I couldn't imagine you without those certain goodness I am glad that you didn't have to beat the folks down at red Cross... I would have for sho' saw that on our Chicago station...
Cherise said…
LMAO.. I can see u now down at the Red Cross playing tug of war with the bag.. lol lol .. Glad u got the shoes back............... and u really Pimped out the blog
Didi Roby said…

Okay! Your girl would been on the news in cuffs with that bag of shoes in my teeth that's for darn sure...LMAO!!!")


That's exactly they way I looked too:) Dude act like he didn't wanna give a girl her shoes back...Sheish!
This blog is HOTTTTTT! I don't get a heads up or nuthin' :::pouting:::
Oh and you'll probably want to update the link because I'll be pulling the blogspot blog down. I'm at
Meadow said…
Ok, first of all, my girl said Florida Evans and yes, I will be laughing about that all day. lol!

I'm glad everything worked out with the shoes. That would have unnerved me, too.

Blessings, queen!
That just cracked me up...
Great Blog!
Didi Roby said…

Girl! I was a nervous wreck...shooks and that Flo Evans cracked me up as


Thanks baby!:)

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