"He Did It!"...The Nephew Chronicles

These are my nephews folks. And when I say they are different as night and day...I mean they are different as night and day. Matthew is the tall one. He is 14 1/2 years old. He is a freshman in highschool and stands about 5'9~5'10 so far. Jaylend is the shorty:) He is 5 years old (September) He is in Kindergarten and he stands about 3'0 so far. My sister had these buggers far apart Right! I always said that I would not have my children so far apart...but my sister's case was a little bit different.
When she was pregnant with Matt I was in my last year of highschool. We were so excited because this was the first grandchild for our family...well, for my mother, kim and I that is. All of a sudden during her pregnancy, she got real sick. I mean deathly sick. She was constantly throwing up. She lost wayyyyyy to murch weight. She looked bad ya'll. My sister was so ill that she couldn't even drink water! She threw everything up folks... she was miserable:
*what she had: Ipecacuanha~Tabacum (don't ask)
This is when intense and constant nausea is felt all day (not only in the morning) with retching, belching, and excessive salivation. The woman may feel worse from lying down, but also worse from motion. Even after the woman vomits, she remains nauseous. The woman feels a ghastly nausea with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She looks extremely pale, feels very cold and faint, and needs to lie very still and keep her eyes closed. If she moves at all, she may vomit violently-or break out in cold sweat and feel terrible.* She almost died. As a matter of fact she flat lined on the examining room table. Well needless to say she gave birth and he was/is just fine...as you can see by the pic *one eyebrow raised* Anyway after that horrible experience she said she wasn't having anymore babies, and for a while we thought she meant that ish:) That is until almost 10 years later when Jaylend came along. She had that same problem while pregnant with him and when he was born...snip! snip! The baby department was shut down! So there is the reason for the 10 year gap if you will.
Okay so the reason for this post is my nephews say the darndest things man! They are so funny! I am of course off from work due to my eye and on Tuesdays I have to pick up my nephew Jaylend from school. I thought he was going to the after school care, but she wasn't there when I arrived to drop him off. So I kept him with me...allllllll day folks. Well somewhere around 5ish my Mother rang and she asked me where Matt was. I of course did not know. I mean he has to take the bus and train home shooks he could be in route somewhere. So she makes dinner and we sit down to eat...still no Matt. Come to find out after he called about 6:45ish, he was at Basketball practice. Well Jaylend yells out during the phone conversation..."No you not...You Brat!" Matt starts yelling back into the phone at Boog (Jaylend) "Shut up! Fat boy! Fo I punch you in your throat." Now mommy and I are used to this kind of behavior from them. One is tall and skinny and the other is short and round...so they argue and fight and call one another names all the time. Boog may be 5, but he can hang with the best of them. So I tell Matt to hurry up and get home so he can get his brother. Well when he gets home Boog is standing at the door with his arms folded and tapping his little foot on the floor as if to say..."where you been?" Matt comes in and they start at it again. Now Boog thinks he's Matt's age and height or something cause they begin to wrestle with one another and Boog was getting the best of Matt. Although I believe Matt let's him get away with most of that. I come out of the other room and they have literally destroyed my living room. I say "What are the two of you doing? Look at this room boys! Now what?" They look at each other and say...that's right..."HE DID IT!" I helped them clean up and Mom took them home...I love them ol rug rats...they keep me young:)


Brea said…
That's hilarious! I wish there were more children in my life. Or maybe I should enjoy the peace b/c I will have thrity of them next year!
She Shall said…
You know, my motto when the kids come to visit? "Glad to see you come- Glad to see you go!"

Does that make me a bad person? LOL
I think it's time for me to have children...
Didi Roby said…

I read! Congrats! Chica....only a person who loves children can teach them...trust me I know:)

Tiff L....

No that doesn't...I tell them the same thing sometimes:)


So, What you gonna do about that?:)
Finally a song I can listen to for more than one second..lol! Okay, okay. Let me read this post.
Didi Roby said…

LOL:) You mess Ma!
Knockout Zed said…
Man, I got EIGHT nieces and nephews (from 3 siblings). I'm the youngest and the only one without kids. Them fools make me wanna stay that way! I love 'em all from afar!

Anonymous said…
hahahahaha.... that's sooo funny....

i love seeing or hearing this kinda story.... miss my own childhood w/ my siblings... i can imagine how my parents always scratch their head... but now if we all look back 'n retold the story, we always crack up big time... 'n somehow me 'n my siblings can act like kids again... :D
Didi Roby said…

What's good Papi? You better show them chillren some love boi:)


Right:) Me and my sister don't really get along, but when it comes to talking about old times...we can really laugh:)


I jst went by and chked you out...:) Yeah funny ain't it? Great blogs think alike I see")
Waddie G. said…
you have some cute lil' nephews...
Didi Roby said…

Thank you sweetie:) They are a mess too:)
They are adorable. Have they started their Christmas list yet?
Brotha Buck said…
Dee, your nephews are quite the young men, and thank God their mother was ok. My sister in law is in the hospital as I type this in the same exact situation as she delivers a baby which will someday save the life of her oldest daughter. I'll explain in an upcoming post. Anyway, I love that Frank Morris (childrens book illustrator) painting you've displayed with the two brothers.
Unknown said…
That must have been a scary ordeal.
Didi Roby said…

Hey now! can you believe they want to go this weekend:)


Well how the hell are you my love!!! I missed you ma! You see I diff come by your way with my sandwich and green tea eeere day:)

Yeah I can't wait to have my own someday either...I just know we will be the most "Fabulous" mother's...lol:)

Good to read from you ma!

*ahem sounds good to me...@that hook up of the youngins*:)


I love Morrison right now! His drawings/paintings are so breath taking to me.

I can imagine what your SN`L is going through with right now. I will diff keep her and the baby in my prayers...keep me posted.


Yeah she was a mess...but as you can see they are just youngins...:)
Meadow said…
Aw, that is precious. I love hanging out with my nieces and nephews, too, except when they start asking me why I'm not married. That's just annoying. :)

That condition your sister had sounds terribly frightening. I'm glad she's ok.
Girl, my sister had our first when I was 11 yrs old. Then just about every yr and a half my brother had his kids one right after the other and it became a trend. I have a total of 3 nephews and three nieces. My nephews are the oldest and before I had my kids they were all I had. I was their way out of the house to see all the new ficks and theme parks. Now, I got kidos of my own and they are getting to be teenagers and have their own things but we do still remember the good ol days. Now, its there turn to be "uncles"(they were like my lil bros) to my kids.
Boy how times change!
Didi Roby said…

Why do children want to know that ish...lol:) Mine ask me where are my kids...ahhhhh!:)


Yep you're right so when my children finally come along...my nephews better be on top of it:)

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