Okay so last night early this morning my passionate side was coming down strong! I came home from hanging out with my nephews to see Jarhead. Really nice film...not what I expected...but nice. *Side note: Jake Gyllenhaal wearing nothing but a santa hat covering his pee~pee...priceless* Anyway, when I got home I turned on my computer, ran my bath water and put Marvin Gaye on in heavy rotation. As I was chking my email waiting for my bath to get nice and hot...my sexuality came down real strong! I mean I was sitting there feeling very sexy and passionate. Now every now and then this feeling comes on me and I normally have a good explanation as to why, but this time I had no idea. I hadn't been with a man...I hadn't talk to one on the phone...I did see Jake Gyllenhaal with a Santa Hat on his pee~pee...but that didn't really do it for me. I mean it was nice...but that really didn't do it for *wink* I hadn't spoken with my crush via IM or phone, so I was like WTH. I got up and got in my bath and tried to shake the feeling but it only got stronger then. I began to think about certain sexual experiences from my past and ways that I was made to feel sexy...it was a trip folks I tell you! I am still feeling sort of Sexy this morning as I right this post...but it is no way near as strong as last night. What's your current mood?
Until We Read Again:) jacked from my sis
Here at the job working on the weekend. Trying to catch up with work. Evaluations are coming soon (pay raise)! You know somethings up when I am working and not getting paid for it..lol Glad to see your in a better mood :). I get my passionate moods a lot. Last night it caused me to do a really bad thing. At least you can control yours. I love the pic. btw.
*sulking in Florida*
Glad your moods are for the most part good...ahem!
~Twin...drop down and give 50!
~GP, as well you should be proud! The only way to get to the top is to put in some work ma!:)
~Awwww Buck...:)
~Anono, you hiding or something? Nvrmd...I think I know who you are.
~Zeddy, "Give us us free!" lol:)
~Rose, I ask myself that same q all the time:( It hurts when you let ppl in and hold them close and dear to you and then they break your heart...
~"N" Search of Ecstasy, thanks chica! I'm reading my ppl now and I will drop by your spot in bit:)
LMAO! you are a mess ma!...I got you on that Rolaids comment to...:)