My Best Julia Sugarbaker...

What's N/A Name?

Okay well last night was my first night back at work since I contracted the Pink eye from some germy little kid at my church, and I thought I was going to have some technical difficulties upon my return, but all is well at the j.o.b....well sort of. Alright a show of hands...Hypothetically of many women have a RACK as opposed to Breasts? I for one thought...esplly back when I was a little girl and mine began to sprout out that my mother referred to them as breasts and not a RACK! Here's the sitch ppl.

I get to work and had my sister on speed dial ready just in case my job made any sudden moves. I walk in and the first area where you have to pass by in order to get to where I work has about 5 men working...well that's what they are supposed to be doing as ways. I walk by and they say hello and I say hello back. Well one dude who is fairly new asks one of the other dudes what my name was because he claimed he forgot. *Dee~Dee thinking how hard is DEE~DEE to remember...D...D*
Well the other dude told him my name was Dee~Dee and guess what dude said in response to that..."Man I just call her the girl with the nice RACK (said with his hands cupped in front of his chest making this sort of up and down wavy motion)..." Now he doesn't notice that I am still waiting for the elevator and that I am looking dead at him and that the room in which we both are in is about the size of a small doctors office waiting area and I CAN STILL HEAR YOU, YOU IDIOT! So I of course already fuming because I just knew my job was going to give me the business...walked straight up to dude and slapped the hell out of him!....No wait...that was my Ally McBeal moment...pardon me...*wink* I walked up to dude and this is what I said...for real this time.

"Excuse me xxxxx that is your name right? Great...listen I heard what you said concerning my...ahem...female anatomy and I am not surprised one little bit for I know who you are Mr. xxxxx. You're the guy who is always wherever women gather or try to be alone. You want to eat with us when we're dining in hotels, you want to know if the book we're reading is any good, or if you can keep us company on the plane. And I want to thank you, xxxxx, on behalf of all the women in the world, for your unfailing attention and concern to detail. But read my lips all of you and remember what I am about to say, as hard as it is to believe, (pointing to my breasts) these are called breasts. Your mothers have them, your grand mothers have them...your aunts and sisters have them, and your girlfriends have them...and how would you feel if some man called theirs RACKS to their faces? Just food for thought." I learned that from Julia Sugarbaker! Ha!(Snap!) Just another day at the office:)



Meadow said…
You. Go. Girl!
NameLiar said…
Well I see you have been handling things quite well while I was gone. Hip hip hooray you treated(informed) them niggas.
I hate when men say the most retarded things. I hate when they say it and you can hear them. I'm glad you put that man in his place. Good Job ;)
Anonymous said…
hahahaa..... i wonder what his expression was like after you said that on his face... :D
Knockout Zed said…
I think I missed the part where the guy did something wrong.

Didi Roby said…

How come you couldn't be like Khalli and say something nice...instead of what you really wanted to say...*LMAO* You are a mess!
Rose said…
I bet he was shocked. You are too bad as in good....

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