You Won't Destroy Me...I'm Invincible Damn It!

I just got visit from someone who hurt me really badly. In a way that no one will ever know. I asked him why do you continue to harass me? And he replied "because I can"...WTF? I have had the same number and address for more then 10 years ppl...and I am certainly not going to change it because this dude doesn't know how to leave me the h*ll alone. I will not be made to fear phone calls or walk out my house because this a**hole, who
was obviously sent by the enemy to try and kill, steal, or destroy me!
They start out fine, but then they turn into ppl you don't even know. They are representatives of the Devil! You know how when those door to door salesmen used to come to your house and try to sell you some insurance or something, they would always say "I represent such and such company" right? Well that is how these 'enemy soldiers' do...they come up to you and say "Hi I'm such and such (giving off subtle but big as day hints) and I represent the Devil!" It is up to us whether or not we want to entertain them or send them packing.
Now some of them will be in disguise you might not seem them for who they really are until the mask comes off. That was the case with this dude...he and I were friends since grammar school, then that friendship turned harmful to me. I will never understand why bad things always happen to good ppl. All I know is this...Everything that happens to me in this walk of life is for the making and molding of me. The good things that happen are to show me that anything is possible. The bad things that happen to me are to show me that I am strong enough to handle any sitch that comes my way. He made me equipped to handle the pressures of life...I just have to read the manual! So with that being said and this new development that has come along to test of my faith I say... "Bring It!" Cause Lords knows I'm Invincible!


Knockout Zed said…
Oooh! I didn't know you could fly!

crallspace said…
You should buy a tazergun (they cost about $100). The next time you see this monster, just shock the life right out of him, all the while stomping on his head.
Anonymous said…
are you all that?
Rose said…
Still be careful...these stalker types be crazy....
Unknown said…
Get a baseball bat and keep it nearby for the next time he comes I'm not violent!
Didi Roby said…

you didn't know?:)


I won't be needing that (thanks though baby) Cause see he will be removed from my life by my Father...:)


Well I would like to think so...I mean God obivously does...and in no way am I big headed about it...I just know who's I am:)


Yes mother said the same thing:)


I'm a true stranger friend ma!:)

That's all I have in this world is my I hold on to it as tightly as I can:)


A baseball bat girly behind been done hit my own self with it...LOL:)

Thanks my loves....:)
Didi Roby said…

You know they don't know me!:)
Dang, how'd I get behind on this just over the weekend, huh???!! Wow... we're once again sooooo on one accord. I posted one called,"Still Waters Still Run Deep" and while I went into a lotta detail and background, the message is so similar... You'll understand when ya get to it... Moreso the spirit behind it than anything.

You're a warrior clad in that Armor of God... Our father will remove him and YESSSSSS, you're invincible!!!
brooklyn babe said…
That pic looks a lil like U. Nyce.
Didi Roby said…

Read you ma! yes it does...great work by the way:)


Hottie dude from the 2nd floor said the same thing...he thought it was me.

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