Humble As I Can Be...But Strong As I Gotta Be

Okay so I was sent home last night from work because of my puffy watery eyes and told to find out what was wrong with them before I could return to work. Well apart me welcomed the front door turn around because that meant I could go back home and get in my warm cozy bed that I had so abruptly left behind...*Dee~Dee in her best Elmo voice..."sorry bed" Anywho, on the other hand I was a bit upset because not only was I planning to use my extra vacation days to go out of town soon, I may have to use those days now because Lord knows I can't afford to have any pay missing from my chk! And I road in with one of my co-workers and this meant that I now have no way of getting home unless I call someone to come pick me up. *Mental note to self...Dee~Dee right now you are the only one you can count on so get used to it okay? Good...let's continue*
Okay so at this point I am thinking who can I call to come and get me...1 There's my Mother who wouldn't mind except she is finally going back to work after being on sick leave and is probably sleep right about now. 2 I could call my sister who is always up late...she is a night owl for sure. However she has 2 children that are probably sleep right about now because they have school in the morning. 3 I could call one of my girlfriends...but then again 2 of them are married and I wouldn't want them to be in hot water with their significant others...and the others are single and free and are probably somewhere partying the rest of the weekend away somewhere. 4 Tony who works right in the area where I do and was almost off's the least he can do right? Well after murch deliberation and frustration my sister came to get's why...
Lemme ask you this folks. Why do ppl see/hear the phone ringing and don't answer it and then claim they didn't hear it ringing? It's a phone ringing ppl...what can't you hear about it? Esplly cell phones I mean they are on your person...phones that are on your body somewhere you should hear first! Okay whatever on that. So of course by now you guessed that none of my first thought contacts answered their phones. Not even Tony and he was at work...and get this he is an armed security officer and he is allowed to use his ear piece for communication whenever need be, so naturally I knew he would answer the phone. (esplly since he was on it the night/morning he called me and asked could he come over...*dee~dee with one eyebrow raised*) Well when he didn't answer, I got upset (a little) See the buses are not running by now and I am definitely not going to walk to the train...sorry folks spoiled side coming out there. Well when no one answered or was available to come and get my watery eyed behind, that's when I called my sister. (thanks Kim)
I hate having to depend on other ppl. I hate it with a passion folks. I get that from my mother who has always been a woman of strength and independence. But how many of you know that sometimes you will be put in a sitch where you have no other choice but to ask for help. Sunday mornings sermon was about how we as Christians have to learn how to ask for help. We are so busy trying to hide that fact that we need ppl sometimes, that we miss out on what God really wants to do for us through other ppl. Now don't get me wrong there are some ppl that I wouldn't trust with carrying my bags to the car let alone ask for help from. However I have to learn (cause I still am trying...) to humble myself at times. It's hard I tell you!
Well right when my sister called to tell me she was about 10 minutes away, my cell phone rang (and guess what? I heard it and answered it!) and it was Tony calling me back to ask me what was up. I told him why I had called and he gave some long drawn out speech about why he didn't answer the phone..."that's all well and good, but how come when I need you, you are never available?" We of course had this 20 min convo about it and then we hung up from one another.
Folks all I know is this...
I am (just as) Weak as I will be(cause everyone is at one point)...and I am working on that...
I am Humble as I have to be...and I see the where that can work for me...
and I am Strong as I gotta be...Cause strength abides in me.
This whole thing and some other things got me to thinking about this song by Syleena Johnson called 'Only A Woman' ( track 15) I love this song so murch ya''s the TRUTH!
Until we READ again, (jacked from Twin)


Do you mind if I post your profile pic on my blog tomorrow. I am writing a peice on my interpretation of beauty.
Waddie G. said…
you have a lot of thoughts going on...just release them all to God and let him handle those things for you...and I like the topic of the sermon you listened to...yes, everyone need someone.
Didi Roby said…

I would be honored think I'm gonna cry here:)

You always encourage me ma!:)


Hey Your the oldest and I have a the twinial right to jack your stuff...that's what we do:)

I'll get at you on them details later...I gotta make that happen...just have too:)
Waddie G. said…
you have a lot of thoughts going on...just release them all to God and let him handle those things for you...and I like the topic of the sermon you listened to...yes, everyone need someone.
Didi Roby said…
Ooops sorry ProfessorGQ...

I posted before I saw yours...this darn blogger:(

Anyway, thanks my love I sure will do that...and I am finding that out lately @ that "need someone" comment:)

I'm not superwoman...yet!:)
DramaFree said… girls are getting too sentimental...about to make a sister shed tears over here lol.

"I am Strong as I gotta be...Cause strength abides in me." You couldn't have said it better. At our weakest moments, it's always our strength that gets us through. Feel lucky that you have a sis that you can depend on, and even gain from her strength. Smile Dee-Dee :) Everything will be alright
Stay strong beautiful; stay strong.
Didi Roby said…

I think it should go through out the week ma!


It's hard ain't it?:) You good over there Chica?


Thanks Papi I sure will do my best:)
Brea said…
Ever think that maybe people WANT you to call them when you need them? I hate when a friend tells me they went through something alone when I could have been there for them. Just a thought.
Unknown said…
I hate when I decide to call someone and I can't get them. That sucks!
She Shall said…
Free incoming calls on Nextel/Sprint? So whats the flipping problem? I hardly ever call anyone anymore because I figure if they want me they'll get at me sooner or later.
As for being able to rely on people...well, I'm still trying understand that whole thing myself.
All I know is if my car gets a flat tire, I can always call my pops. Sure, he'll scream and yell at me for not knowing how to change a flat and it will probably all be my fault ("You did this on purpose!")...but he'll be there.
Meadow said…
First of all, the first time I saw you write "murch" in a previous post, I thought that was a Madea thing. :) But then I thought maybe it was a typo. But since you wrote it again here, I am inclined to think it a Madea thing. :)

Anyhoo, I kinda have issues with an employer sending you home because you're ill but then not providing some safe means for you to get home but whatever ...

I totally understand feeling like all we have is ourselves. Sometimes that is true - most of the time, I think. Sometimes, though, you may be surprised who will have your back if you just ask.

Peace, sis!
Didi Roby said…

You have such a good point my girlfriend Debbie is like that...she will be upset if I don't call her.


Yes it does suck baby!")

Tiff L...

Right the opt word being "free" and most of my ppl have anyway, parents are always there for us right, they just have to argue


Someone emailed me and asked me was "murch" a typo...they thought I didn't know I put the r in

Me too on that "safe way home"comment...they just send you home like "get there the best way you can..." Sheish!
Rose said…
I hope you are all in the big Chicago with transportation as it is, the supervisor should have assured your safety home since she sent you there.....I guess supervisors don't think all the time..

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