When I Feel Like Going Off, I Brush My Shoulders Off.

First all I want to say how much I have missed being on here sharing my so called life and all it's oh so wonderful drama with you guys. I really did miss you guys...in fact I missed you guys so much that I traveled all the way to the library every morning to get some reading in....

Rose you always have something refreshing to post:) Cyber Twin...you are on a roll chica! Mills done started her own escort service I see...lmao!!! Teej...your brain...I want to pick it! Reese you come up and out of the funk...I's happy to read that. "N" Search...what can I say...always a fun read with your blog girl:) Insanelysane...you make your girl laugh and cry ma! Buck and his drawings always a treat over there. Diva...you know what I have to say about your spot ma...can't get enough! Princess...my writer friend...I know 200 things about you ma! Brea's new blog is so much fun to visit...ya'll better get over there! Goddess and her Wild Card Wednesdays..even with a sick PC I could not miss that one. Hassan put me on blast...sort of...but I got mad love for your blog my black brother! And where would a girl be without her Zeddybear?
BkBabe...one of my fav places to read...some good music is bound to be in heavy rotation. ES my eerie now and then poster...I still read you too ma. Tiff L...the best darn sports caster in the world! Plus she has great fashion sense. Forget where is Waldo...where is Envizable? Crall...your space is tight Papi. Michele I love you ma! Sony...I love your thoughts...email me plz! For I have to hop a flight!:) Toneec my educated black woman of God...always have to stop by your place. My Serial Dater...I enjoy your stories of dating...I learn so much of what not to do as a female...ooookkkaayyy!:) Stunner my best kept secret...ya'll better chk it out! Mel...I miss you ma! You good? I always have to chk on you. Living Single has some good things going on over there in her world. Ladylee is a trooper yo! Annie and Bee...the youngins got alot on their minds as well. The Conquerer, Painkey and GQ...are must reads for me as well...

There are so many of you that I read like I read the Bible. I know by now she must be thinking..."She forgot all about me." When actually I didn't forget you at all Brandi...aka Georgia Peach! You are a genuine article ma, and I saved you for last. I love your giving soul and un~selfish spirit you display via your blog...You show ppl love and I just think that is awesome Chica!

Well, I have to begin writing my post on the God awful Christmas party that took place at my soon to be former job. Talk about no class or taste...this thing was awful! It feels good to be back...now let's just hope and pray my PC holds up. Uh Mills have Will on speed dial for real!:)



She Shall said…
SHE'S BAAACK! Man, I've been checking for something new from you like every dang gone hour! And here you are! Glad to see you're still reading and can't wait to see what you post about your "soon-to-former-job!"

hurry up and get your computer fixed...
Organized Noise said…
You may not have forgotten about Brandi, but you definitely forgot about me. You're lucky its December. It's so cold my tears are turning to ice before they can hit the ground. It's still good to have you back.
Superstar Nic said…
Girl what can I say other than it is so good to have you back! I am so glad to.

You have been missed dearly!

Thanks for the shouts!

Can't wait to hear about this Christmas party! LOL, I'm laughing already and you haven't even posted it yet.
Didi Roby said…
Damn! Damn! Damn! *doing my best Florida Evans* I did forget you Organized...I am so very sorry...I thought I had hit everyone...Well, I will send you a BIG ol HUG and KISS from the CHI! Forgiven?

Yeah Blog Fam...it feels good bloggin again:)
Aww, I want to cry!!!.lol. Glad to see you are doing better and back in the blogging game. :).
so glad to have u back in the mix...
Meadow said…
Aww, thanks for the shout out, love. :) And I'm glad you're back!
Girl you almost made me call you :(
Rose said…
I enjoyed this blog...very nice dedication...girl you was gon' too long'

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