This Job Is Not My Source!
Okay so, for a while now I have known that my place of employment was being sold to this slave driving Doctor on the North side, but what I didn't know was that they old owner placed a bid for all 5 sites. That's not the strange part, for if I once owned something and had it snatched out from under me, I would want it back as well. No, the strange part about that is...the very people who took the business from him, now wants to sell it back! WTF ? Can you believe that ish ! They talked about this man like a dog and now that the slave driving doctor wants to buy it and turn us all into Hebrews, they want the old guy to buy it back. This can work in two ways: 1) For the good of the the since that he will definitely keep all the newer employees (namely me) because we had nothing to do with the scandalizing his name. 2) For the worst.... for those who have put their mouth on him and the way he does business. I have never met this man, and I have heard nothing but ...