This Job Is Not My Source!

Okay so, for a while now I have known that my place of employment was being sold to this slave driving Doctor on the North side, but what I didn't know was that they old owner placed a bid for all 5 sites. That's not the strange part, for if I once owned something and had it snatched out from under me, I would want it back as well. No, the strange part about that is...the very people who took the business from him, now wants to sell it back! WTF? Can you believe that ish! They talked about this man like a dog and now that the slave driving doctor wants to buy it and turn us all into Hebrews, they want the old guy to buy it back.

This can work in two ways:

1) For the good of the the since that he will definitely keep all the newer employees (namely me) because we had nothing to do with the scandalizing his name.

2) For the worst.... for those who have put their mouth on him and the way he does business.

I have never met this man, and I have heard nothing but good things from the people that left this company and now work for his new company. They say he was a very kind and generous man, who loved to see his employees happy. That says "Moral Booster" to me. If I am not happy, that shows in my work performance. Hey I am just keeping things real. I at one point wanted to work for him, and had inquired about obtaining a job within his new company. Now, it looks like I might get that opportunity after all.

Through out all of this, I had been speaking with my good friend Traci and I told her all about my "work place drama" in the midst of that conversation, I heard the Lord say just as clear... "Is that job your source?" And I literally looked at Traci as if to say... "did you hear that?" I didn't want to ask her, for fear she would think I was crazy. It was just that clear and precise. God was asking me do I trust him for my survival or do I trust in some job that could come and go at any time. (case and point) I knew right then and there that this situation is only a test of my Faith from my Father, and that it is what I do and how I handle this situation that will prove whether or not I will be victorious!

I know that if the old owner buys this place back and cleans house, that I will be alright one way or the other. Either God will show me favor with the the new owners or He will provide a Ram in the Bush! Either way I will be just fine. And I thank God for the sense to know that... "This Job is NOT my SOURCE!

God is My Source...


What a great post Dee-Dee. No job, no man, nothing is our sole source. All things given to us come from his will. I hope everyting goes well with you Dee.
God is with you ma!
Take care
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Unknown said…
Whereever the chips may fall, God is your "only source" and all you need. Lean on Him.
Brea said…
How awesome to receive such a clear message. I hope everything goes smoothly with the upcoming changes.
Enigma said…
Just got a very similar message this weekend as I sat in silence. People, situations and jobs are not your source. Amen.
Didi Roby said…
Just keep me in your prayers ma!

And lean on him I shall. Thanks love!

Good to see you girlie! I am doing all I can on my end to make sure that everything does goe fasting and praying:)

I just stopped by your way a min ago...couldn't leave a comment on the post about being grateful...I totally agree...gratitude is always in order! Thanks for stopping by my way.
Brea said…
Where have you been?

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