An Unknown CSI...(Childish Sisters (are) Irritating)
Okay so I have found myself in a very disturbing situation as of late and I am beginning to think that the Devil is mad at fact I know he is. And guess what? I DON'T CARE! BRING IT ON DEVIL!! IS THIS ALL YOU GOT? SOME UNKNOWN CSI CALLING MY PHONE AND EMAILING ME AND WHAT NOT!!!! PLEASE DEVIL YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO COME BETTER THEN THIS TO MAKE TURN AWAY FROM MY FATHER! Here's the whole story.......... Question...why is it when a woman thinks her man is unfaithful, and she finds the other woman's number; she feels the need to call and harass her to death? It makes my stomach turn I will tell you that much. I, in all honesty have never called a woman concerning any one I have ever dated...why? Because I don't feel the need to that's why!! For one thing, I have always been a subscriber to the philosophy, that men don't always tell the truth to the "other" woman, so for me to harass her would be ridiculous! And even if she does know about me.....