Like a bad horror movie pt1

Current mood: Moody
Category: Life

Wow, I haven't written a blog in forever and a day. I almost forgot completely that I had a blog, that is until the very reason I started this blog in the first place - showed me once again; how much I need to start writing again.

Let's see, so much has happened since I last posted, and I have to admit - I really wish most of it never happened at all. As much as I appreciate 2012, I'm extra glad I will never have to see it or relive a single moment of it! Ups and downs can not even begin to discribe the emotional rollercoaster I was forced to endure. Heart-ache, loniness, pain, lies, hurt, sickness, debit, curses, stress, confussion, missunderstandings, no pay, failure...oh boy did I fail a lot! I don't think there are enough words in the dictionary to discribe my distaste for 2012.

Now don't get me all the way wrong, there were a lot of good times as well. Way at the top of my list, would be my Mother's victory over Cancer! She beat it twice. God is my super-hero for that alone. I am so grateful to still have my Mother in my life. She is my personal flesh rock. I love her dearly. Then there was the blossoming of new friendships, Stronger friendships. Meaningful friendships. And best of all long lasting friendships. Vanessa is the one that I'm most proud of our sisterhood is like no other. I thank God for her every single day. But of course another year came and I was still children, no white picket fence, no swimming pool and not Personal chef. I just knew by the time I was 40, things would be much much different.

Now that we're in 2013 I must say things are beginning to look up. However the one thing I can't seem to let go to this very day , still haunts me; like a character from a horror movie with bad actors. I swear one of these days, I'm really going to let it go! 

                                                     To be continued....isn't it always? 


Nice post! Thanks for share your good piece of content with us.

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