Overdue Masterpiece
Seems Like You're Ready...
Well, today is the day, I will start dedicating myself to completing my book. That's right, I have finally decided; enough is enough! I mean, here I am helping everyone else, write, edit and submit their work; yet I remain stagnated when it comes to my own. This damn book has been about 12 years in the making. I feel like Alistair Macleod: the famous author who took 10 years writing his first collection of short stories entitled The Lost Salt Gift of Blood. I am, needless to say, quite upset with myself, and because of this, I plan on getting my entire life; and dedicating the month of September to completing this "Overdue" Masterpiece!
Any man who keeps working is not a failure. He may not be a great writer, but if he applies the old-fashioned virtues of hard, constant labor, he’ll eventually make some kind of career for himself as writer.
– Ray Bradbury