7 Whole Days…and not a word from him

Okay so this makes the 7th day that I have not heard from him and I am so pissed off right now that I can’t even cry... I want to but I can’t. Or better yet I won’t. It’s all my fault too folks for you see on Friday I did something that I promised myself I wouldn’t do again. That’s right I told myself I was not going to call him and I did. Well I didn’t call for myself; I called for the ministry…don’t laugh! I did…I called for the ministry building at my church. Okay here is the story.

Day 1 ~ January 16, 2006
Well actually by the time he got to my house it was the 17th. Anyway, my door bell rings and its Tony the love of my life as far as fate is concerned. He claims to have been concerned about me for when he tried to call me on both lines he got no answer. This prompted this out of the blue visit. We talked for a bit and then he fixed my computer…well sort of. Then we talked some more and next thing you know we were having sex *it had been a long time for me folks…a long time* (side note: to my anono friend from Eygpt, I say I am sorry in advance. For he might not ever want to speak to me again after reading this) At about 5:45 am he got up to leave and told me he would be back around 8~9 that evening to see about my printer.

Day 2 ~ January 17, 2006
I went and did something that he suggested I do concerning my future and then spent the rest of the day cleaning my house and preparing a special meal for us to enjoy while being entertained by a DVD entitled ‘Motives’ starring Shemar Moore and Vivica Fox *good quality entertainment by the way* Then I put the dinner in the oven and went to bible class. When I got back home I freshened up for my evening and waited all night and he never showed up. This prompted me to make the promise to never call his trifling behind again!

Day 3 ~ January 18, 2006
I made a promise to my Pastors admin. Asst on Tuesday night that I would come by this day and volunteer at the churches administration office. So I spent the whole day there and when I got home that evening after dance rehearsal, I took my bath and watched another movie *by myself* and finally went to sleep somewhere around 4 am. Still no call or show from him.

Day 4 ~ January 19, 2006
I wake up and instantly I knew my day was going to be crappy. I woke up with a headache and a tummy ache. I didn’t have the car on this day so I was pretty much stuck in the house all day long. I really don’t watch TV so a really couldn’t find anything worth watching so I fell in and out of sleep all day long. At around 7:15 pm I got out of bed and watched smallville and then one of my DVD’s when all of a sudden I began to cry my eyeballs out. I mean it was bad folks. I cried all freaking night. I was literally having my very own private pity party. I cried and cried and cried some more. I got in the bed and cried until my pillow was soaking wet. I got out of bed and cried in the tub until my skin was all pruning and what not. Then I finally after what seemed like hours, went to sleep.

Day 5 ~ January 20, 2006
Today I got up and went to the administration building and volunteered my services yet again. I am by the way having a lot of fun helping out as a matter of fact. Anyway, I was painting the lobby wall when Tboz *that’s what we call her* asked me did I still have a friend that fixes computers. What she ask me that for. It seemed as though one of the computers in the office needed some asap fixing and because I knew of someone, they wanted me to call that person. Well of course I was reluctant to call him because I had told myself 4 days ago that I was not calling him ever again. *I had to repent for that lie* I picked up the phone and called him and left a long, silly, complicated msg and hung up the phone thinking ‘that just gave him an excuse to pop up again out of the blue.’ Plus I was feeling stupid for the msg I left. Well needless to say he never called back and I went home.

Day6 ~ January 21, 2006
I got up at around 9:30 am on this morning and was getting ready to go see about my taxes. When the door bell rang. At first I thought it was him and I didn’t answer it. I said to myself "you ain’t getting in here buddy" so I let it ring. Then it dawned on me that it might be my mother so I answered it. Well it wasn’t my mother, nor was it "T" *thank God…wasn’t ready to deal* it was another ex friend of mine whom I will refer to as Mr. SBC. WTF? What does he want I was wondering? So I buzzed him in and we had an enlightening conversation about men and women. I was right about men and he was all the way wrong about women…perfect conversation as far as I was concerned. I put him out and went on about my day.

Day7 ~ January 22, 2006
As I write this it is now the seventh day of not hearing from him and you would think I would be used to it by now. I have gone longer without hearing from him and you know what it only makes me pray for him harder. See I am mad as hell at the fact that he is the most inconsiderate man I have ever known, but yet I pray for him and his safety while he is out there doing only God knows what. I don’t pray for him for me…I pray for him for him. See he will realize one day that I was the best thing that ever happen to him and because it will be too late, I pray that God will give him the strength to get over the hurt.

So how was your week?


Superstar Nic said…
Wow, I can really understand your frustrations. I would be pissed to. I can't believe that he pulled a no show on you. That would have set me on fire! I haven't heard of the movie Motives’ before either.

I know that its easier said than done, but try not to worry about it to much. Some things you just cannot get used to, no matter how many times it happens. It'll get better though.

Take care!
Didi Roby said…
I will do my best sweetie:) Chk that movie it's real good.

khalli 88...
Sounds like a plan to me right now...wink...:)

I love this...I will have to cut and paste this to my mirror:)
I pray that I become as mature and sophisticated as you. You are a strong woman. I am learning, I am taking notes. Believe that!
toneec42 said…
Even though the truth is it's his loss, I know it's easier said than done to let it go. But you know he is not who God has intended for you because God would not subject you to such treatment. Therefore he is not "the love of your life" he's just the one who will help you appreciate "the love of your life." All things, all things says the Lord.
Brea said…
I know all too well about letting someone back in after promising yourself you wouldn't. Don't beat yourself up and take it as experience. At least now you know you aren't some hard-hearted woman who is afraid of intamacy. And now you know he hasn't changed. You'll find your inner stregth and next time, you'll make a better decision. I just know it!
Hey Dee-Dee, just ckin in with ya. I am sorry to hear that this has happened yet again. There is this song, Unbreakable Heart, from a girl called Jessica Andrews. Its pretty, and very true.
You hang in there, because God is good and very powerful and he sees everything and hears all of your prayers. He will bless you and answer them all in due time. Keep faith in him and he will not fail you. I know you know this already but I just wanted to let you know.
I hope someone great walks in and sweeps you off your feet and stays the man in your life that you need and deserve ;)

I gots your back Dee, you need a shoulder to cry on, go ahead gurl. I know first hand what weenies men can be.
good thing comes out of bad,


your human honey, you got needs too! and better it from someone your LOVE than some STRANGER!
brooklyn babe said…
You better than me, cause if I'm not expecting ya.... don't expect me to answer the door.... I'm even funny about the phone too....

What do it ma????

Van Hunt? Just hunt for that Afrikan, he was underground for a while, but I see you found the video, I use to go see him perform a couple year back, before he got a deal... i have his homemade cd, he use to sell side the street, but he cant be that hard to find...
Well if you're asking compared to this story my week is boring and dry as the saltine I'm eating at my desk right now.

Keep ya head Mz. Dee Dee! (snap)

See you on WHY Wednesday?
Unknown said…
These things happen to the best of us.
if you left a message and he hasn't called back...that might be a sign...pray on it....hoping nothing serious has happened to him...so just sit back...pray to keep you strong, and i'm sure somekind of message will be sent....good luck
Girl...I've got to call you! This aint all gonna fit in here...
Didi Roby said…
Hi all...thanks for the words of encoragment...I'm actually ok with the whole thing. khalli, would you plz!!!:)

Toneec you are so right. I do know that. Mel, I am so glad that you are okay ma! I chk in almost everyday while at work. You are in my prayers and thoughts sweetie.
It's all good insane...speak on it ma! Princess change the last 4 digits to 3315 and give me a call asap!

Thanks again everyone...While I'm on I am reading you guys...:)

Didi Roby said…
GP...Girl how sweet of you to say. But I am still learning myself babygirl!:)
Anonymous said…
:( i am so sorry to hear that... be strong girl. as i know it's really hard to go through... been there, done that...
DramaFree said…
I'm sorry Dee~Dee. He will realize exactly what he's missing out on all after the fact. I know that your feelings may be a little bruised right now, but it will pass. And you're better than how he's treating you right now, so try not to even let him get to you anymore. It's his loss, not yours at this point sweetie.
Rose said…
And this too shall pass...

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