So Why Then....

You never said you would hold my hand
You never said you were my man
You never said you would calm my fears
You never said you would wipe my tears
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said you would stop on through
You never said your love was true
You never said I was the one
You never said it wasn’t just fun
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said you would take me out
You never said that I wouldn’t have to shout
You never said I wouldn’t have to cry
You never said you would give it a try
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said you were my mate
You never said I should wait
You never said we would never be apart
You never said you wouldn’t break my heart
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said you would call at night
So I could sleep knowing you were alright
You never said you would hold me in your arms
You never said to fall for your charms
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said you know how I feel
You never said your feelings were real
You never said you would remember things
You never said we would be buying rings
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You said to run your bath
You never said you would make me laugh
You never said you would watch me sleep
You never said you wouldn’t cheat
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said you would give it a try
You never said you wouldn’t lie
You never said you wouldn’t call me her name
You never said wouldn’t play a game
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said you would cater to me
You never said you would always be
You never said I would never want
You never said your face wouldn’t forever haunt
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said we were lovers
You never said you would rub my shoulders
You never said you would hold me close
You never said we would make a toast
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

You never said I make you smile
You never said just wait a while
You never said I make you happy
You never said that you would wife me
You never said such
So why then do I love you so much?

Just Freeing Myself Ya'll


Anonymous said…
I forgive you.

Stunner said it, That was BEAUTIFUL Dee-Dee. Them mo-fo's never say it, almost like its better left unsaid so then you cant call them on it. Then again, what good does it do. Cowards dont care anyway.

keep ya head up ma!
toneec42 said…
That's it, let it out...
Yeah... Even I learned to just let go, even when I really didn't want to.

It's best this way.
Meadow said…
Been there, sis. And I hate it for you.
Call me today. I tried to call you. Or email me, one or the other.
Didi Roby said…
To annon (eygpt)...
What do you forgive me for? For expressing my feelings to someone other then you? I didn't say sorry to ask for forgiveness from you...I don't need it.

Thanks stunner...painkey I love you sweetie. thanks Toneec...Hassan!!! I am so glad to hear from you. I hate it too goddess. I will princess asap...I promise:)
Superstar Nic said…
Wow, this is beautiful! I've been there to.
CQ said…
I guess we have all been there at one time in our life.
T said…
i want to cry.
my sentiments exactly.
you seem to be getting closer to finding solace (soul-ace).
Brea said…
That's beautiful Dee-Dee.

"The heart has reasons that reason can't understand."
-Blaise Pascal
DramaFree said…
Hey Ma!!

That was beautifully written. I know that feeling all too well.

Many hugs to ya Ma!
brooklyn babe said…
Chica check your mailbox.
(the tangible one)

Rose said…
You are back my friend...hope all is well. Beautiful poetry...
I think I have this poem practically memorized.
Knockout Zed said…
I did too say all that stuff!

Didi Roby said…
Yes you do! LOL:)

Okay so you did...:) *wink*

Posting as I type...

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