My Ally McBeal Moments

Got this idea from Teej chk him out. I just had to put my world spin on it!
Okay so how many remember the Ally McBeal show? Remember how she would have a conversation with someone and then (in her mind) straight jap off on that person?
Well that has been my month so far...well part of Dec as well. Some ppl will make you wanna go there with them, but then it is up to you as to whether you will have seasoning or NOT!...esplly depending on where you are at the time. So here are just a few of my Ally McBeal moments...
1. Church member inquiring of my where abouts...but didn't pray.
What I said: Oh, well I have just been working hun. You know...have to pay those bills. Thanks for asking sweet heart.
What I wanted to say: I've been working heifer, you know that thing you do to earn money in order to pay bills and make ends meet? Oh that's right you don't know...seeing how you can't hold down a job for more the a day or two. And now you have become a "house wife" which in your case I like to call..."lazy a** brawd". How about you get up off your lazy behind and get a get a career and mind your own business for a change. And while your at it, pray next time you don't see somebody for a while.
2. Grocery store dude's attitude when asked to get pampers off a very high shelf.
What I said: Thank you for getting that down for me. I am so glad there are helpful ppl around like you. I think they put those things up high to torture me...(girlie laughter)
What I wanted to say: I know you don't have an attitude....seeing that this is your job! Is it my fault that you find it deeming to work at the freakin grocery store and you are what...25...27 years old? I mean if you don't like you job son then get up off your behind on your off day and ride on down to local college and take some classes instead of sitting up all day playing your brothers video games and sleeping til noon. And while your at it pull your pants up for crying out loud!
3. Slow a** nurse in the triage room when my mother was taken in to see about her stomach pains.
What I said: Ma'am I know this is your job, but can we do this mother is in a lot of pain and the doctor told us to come right on in. Thank you hun. (while walking my mother through the double doors)
What I wanted to say: So what filling out these forms is more important then her seeing the doctor? What if this was your mother? What would you do? Sit back and fill out forms while your mother doubles over in pain and eventually passes out? Maybe that's how you treat mommy dearest, but I don't! So look can shove those forms up your behind all if I care! My mother is in pain and I am taking her in to see doctor pickford right now!
Man I tell you...some ppl will take you there. Will you have seasoning?
I remember Ally McBeal, LOL. I used to like that show. This was a cute and funny post!
Now, I guess I will have to steal it from you and post it at some point!
I have the 5x7...I love it:)
Whats good ma? I'm about to read a bit right now myself:)
LMAO!thats a mess right there love:)
I do it all the time...but I am working on it though:)
Church ppl are a mess...I can say that...I'm one of them, but in a good way:)
:) I like the bury them in the back yard part...Hey baby!
It's the truth man...speak on it. I so try to hold my tounge:)
Sometimes I add seasoning. :)
Oh and I looooooooooove Ally McBeal
How is my girl Ruby doing?
Well today I'm giving you ONE FACE!
Sergio Gajardo
It's very cute! Where's your post for the day?!?!?!
my brother was complaining about his income tax this year. Seems he owes the IRS and what not. He made 35,000 dollars last year and files single. So, I asked him if he would get anything back, he said you try being single and earnign 35,000.00 I was like thats a dang shame. He was asked what I meant. I said thats 13 grand more than me and your broke. He said well, I pay everywhere I stay. I was speechless on the outside but on the inside I was thinking.....
well, I sure as hell aint seen much of that, so if your referring to giving me money for letting you stay here, then you got me bent! I may have seen a total of 300, I will even streatch it and say 500 for the enitre yr to help me with some sort of bill or food or something. So, that means you spent 34,500.00 somewhere else.....not here bro!
some people. i swear!!!