My 100th Blog Post!

....Well actually 101...Teehee:)
Okay so it's 2006 and I have made just one news years resolution...and that is to Happy! And Happy! I shall be. Now in order for me to be Happy! I have to do the following things. (not necessarily in this order)
~I have to rid myself of any and all negative ppl...that includes family. For my Bible tells me that God will go back and get them, so I have no worries as far as that goes.
~I must seek God in all things big or small. For my Bible tells me to mind the things of the spirit, and the natural things will follow.
~I have to have more patience and exercise it! For my Bible tells that patience is a virture and I am to be a virtuous woman.
~I must read the word more and prayer more. For my Bible tells me to pray without ceasing and in order for certain things to come to pass...I must fast more.
~I have to take the word CAN'T out of my vocabulary. For my Bible tells me I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
~I have to lean totally on God. For my Bible tells me to cast ALL my cares on him and he shall make me whole.
~I must stop worrying. For my Bible tells me to throw all my sins (and worrying is a sin believe it or not) into the sea of forgetfulness. Leave that mess right there and let God handle it!
~I have to put feet to my faith. For my Bible tells me that God will give me the desires of my heart...I just have to show myself approved and worthy.
So with that being said I will finish school! I will finish my book! I will have happiness and joy beyond measure! My Mother and Sister will get saved and come to God! I will have that career I want! I will have that Husband I desire! My heart will mend! And no one will be able to break it again!
At Saturday nights watch night service, my Pastor told us that "Great things were already taking place...and because of that we are going to Another Level!"
Give it up! Turn it loose!


Cherise said…
Happy New Year and Good Resolutions.. I am working on my Year End Blog...
Organized Noise said…
Congrats on your 100th . . . I mean 101st post. I look forward to the next hundred.
Happy New Year sweetie!
Unknown said…
All the best for the new year. That's it be happy and just live. Keep God in the mix and everything will be ok.
Meadow said…
Go 'head, virtuous woman. :)

I'm interested in your ideas on fasting and its benefits, if you wouldn't mind sharing them with me. If you'd prefer some privacy, maybe you could email me?

Good luck with your resolutions. For 2006, I'm giving up women. ;o)
Anonymous said…
nothing is impossible to a willing heart.... :)
Anonymous said…
I like the approach you have set for yourself. Keep your focus and your eyes fixed on Him and He'll be your confindence and a light to every path you take. I've said it before, but never hurts to say it again, great things are in store for you. :) You know where to find me.

~~Thoughts of a Stranger
Didi Roby said…

I sure do thanks:)


You got that right love:)


LMAO yeah right! I'll believe that when I read it:)


I got you ma! See it is my belief and opinion that when a person Fasts that they are allowing the body to suffer and therfore allowing the holyspirit to take over where the flesh left off. See when a person fasts its like the ultimate sacrafice to the Lord. Its letting him know that you are stepping out of the way so he can get in the way. abd some things only come by way of fasting and praying. I got more I will email you later:)


Thanks love:)


Thanks my love!

Organized Noise...

Thank you sweetie...I am too:)


Looking forward to it ma!:)
Your Pastor is so right...

I pray that we all can get on the right track and stay there...

Lead by example, babe.
Congratulations Dee Dee and where have you been?

The Show misses you, please bless us with your presence...
Didi Roby said…

I sure will love, I sure will:)


*dee~dee with both hands on her cheeks and mouth open wide*

Hey papa! I come by and read you all the time believe that there!

Can't miss Foxyhills...:)
Meadow said…
Thanks, love. I'm looking forward to that email.
proacTiff said…
Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy. That about sums my feelings up on the matter =). All resolutions can and DO come straight from the Book of Life!


Didi Roby said…

Hey Love! What it do baby?
toneec42 said…
Hey Dee Dee. Happy New Year, Diva! Blessings upon you my sista.
Knockout Zed said…
You gots to own your happiness.

Rose said…
Congrats on your 100 plus post.

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