Go, Speak, Move, Bare! ...list

8/10/07 Breathe Stretch Shake let it go!
Current mood: anxious
Category: Life

Go, Speak, Move, Bare! ...list
(Later there will be a "List")

Did you know that the pain of rejection will cause you to question
path? Well it can and it will. As a recovering "Fear of Rejection"
patient who has to chk herself into Gods hospital every now and then,
am well aware of this type of distraction.

Isaiah 53:3 speaks about Jesus' rejection by
Israel. Jesus' mission
would involve great pain, suffering, disappointment and grief because
of the sins of humankind. Likewise, we will likely experience a
of suffering and rejection (read 2 Cor 11:23) And....Find ur
happy place!

Here is the list:

1. He is such a powerful man of God...
2. There I go again second guessing myself...
3. Will this time be like all the other times?
4. ....only time will tell
5. That's why I'm not auditioning kiddo...
6. I hate feeling this way but its life...
7. I don't wanna close my eyes/don't wanna fall asleep
/cause I'd miss u babe/and I don't wanna miss a thang...
8. "How many other girls have you txted that to" she thought.
9. ...then there's the one at Nissan...
10. That might be harder then I even want to deal with...
11. I'm the one with the most grace kiddo...
12. ....that's why its so hard.
13. "Patience comes while your in the test..." Pastor Kent Munsey
14. ....he is on fire...literally! Lol Linny
15. Mental note...remove the distractions from ur life Dee Dee
16. Learn how to accept rejection as a growth in God and as a hurt
that He didn't want you to endure...
17. "Bent and broken ppl need the word of God..." Tommy Palmer
18. 1 treat small ops as doorways to big ones
2 show emotion in the small things
3 don't make excuses!
19. If I had a dime/its urs as well as mine/I'd keep the penny/and
gladly give u the 9/cause I can't say no/if you ask me.
Natalie Cole
was on to something with that there line. That's bottom of the ocean

Ill GO where u tell me to go.
Ill SPEAK when I am spoken to. Make
that MOVE right now baby. And He will never put more on me
then I can


Until we read again,



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