"Hello my name is Dee Dee, and I can not ride a bike."

Okay, so it is true...I do not know how to ride a bicycle. However that is or should I say was just fine with me up until today. I have always been the one of the sisters in my household that never wanted to get hurt ie; scrape a knee, bruise a body part, cut something, however you could possibly get hurt...I didn't want to know about it! That was until I somehow got up the nerve to finally learn how to ride a bike.
My part two reason is now that my sister and I have this fabulous relationship and she and her children and fiance go bike riding all the time...guess who didn't like being left out? That's right me!

Me and my bright ideas...

The family went to Target today and I saw the cutest pink bike ever. I merely stated that it was the right size bike for me....provided I knew how to ride. So my sister bought it for me as an early birthday gift. (Side note to ALL FRIENDS: my birthday is coming up. September 20th to be exact. So mark your calendars!) Any who....When we got the bike home it was time to get the learning process going. Now keep in mind I was ready and everything, I just seemed more ready when the bike was about 15-25 feet in the air.

Man I got on that thing and almost broke every bone in my body! I am way to old to now decide to get my ride on! All of my oldest nephews little friends were laughing at me and what not. However, I didn't give up. I kept on until....I fell two times. That of course did it for me. I went in the house, soaked these good bones and laid my tail down until next time.

I am now more determine then ever to ride a bike. And if you should happen to see your girl on You Tube....my oldest nephew is gonna get it!

P.S....Thanks Kim for my Fabulous Bike! And a great big ol "Hey Babe" to Stunner for always checking my ramblings!

Ouch! My whole skeletal frame is hurting!


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