If the world were PINK.

Okay, so I was on crackspace reading one of my friends bulletins, he called it "If I were in charge of the world." and it got me to thinking what I would do if I were in charge of the world....can you image being in charge of the world? Everything is up to you...you can govern any and everything you wish. Change ish that otherwise would stay the same, and create new ish that everyone would have to abide by. I know exactly what I would do and what changes I would make if I were in charge of the world. Wanna know? Sure you do.....

....If the world were Pink....(in no special order)

I'd be President of the United States

LL Cool J would be the First Man and Gary Dourdan would be my "press" secretary...lol!

The White house would be Pink (of course) and only men would work there...(hey sorry ladies. Rules are rules)

Taxes would only be 1%

Driving a Hybrid car would be mandatory!

Boys with their pants sagging to their knees would be forced to walk the streets in their underwear for a week!

White T-shirts could only be worn to sleep in.

Jails would have mandatory chip placements to track the activity of the ones who did not "rehabilitate"

Gay people (if you must be gay which is your right but against the word of God, however to each it's own) and Sex offenders would have their own Island. (separate islands of course.)

Men and women with issues (ie; stalking, tempers, crazy, or just plain psycho) will have a scarlet letter on their chest.

Gospel music will play on elevators, in shopping malls, restaurants etc...

So far my nephew said I would be assassinated for these rules if I wasn't his Aunt...oh well moving on.

Any child that talked back to their parent would have their lips sewed shut for a month...or until the stitches fell out. LMBO!

Every man that ever broke my heart will be banished to the Island with the Gay people.
And due to the fact that they are mad at me right now...you are in trouble!

Pizza and Cereal will be on every menu.

Downloads will be legal ( shooks CD's and DVD's are expensive)

There will be no talking during movies.

Watermelon would grow in your backyard.

Money WILL grow on trees.

Church services (at least 2) would be mandatory.

There would be no need for hospitals because everyone would be healthy.

Animals would roam the earth and no one would be afraid.

Women would respect their bodies.

Men would respect women.

No one would be allowed to use the word "nigga"

Anyone using that word would be banished to the Island with the Sex offenders. And due to the fact that they are mad at me right now...you are in trouble!

The would be no such thing as drugs, gangs and violence and
No guns.

No one would hurt anothers feelings.

Every woman would wear heels and their feet would not hurt.

There would be a cure for Cancer, Aids and any other disease that would cause death.

It would only rain on Tuesday and Thursdays.

No one in the world would starve.

CSI would come on everyday 24 hours a day!

Denzel Washington would star in every movie made.


Free education for everyone!

I could go on and on but I have to go babes.

What would you do?


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