My Dear Abby Letter...

Okay I think I am affraid to start a new relationship. I really do. I
think I have some sort of fobia about dating someone and it actually
work out. I honestly feel like I have a serious problem here, and I
don't know how to fix it.

I mean if a guy asks me out, I make up some dump excuse not to go out
with him. I mean I literally freak out when it comes to dating someone.
What the heck is wrong with me!

There is this guy I am talking to right now. He seems really interesting
and everything, but I feel like he is running game on me. I feel like he
only wants to get me into bed with him, and the sad part is that he
could be a really great guy. I mean he has a job. He owns his own home.
He has a couple of buildings. No children....he seems like a pretty good
guy...I'm just not sure of him.

I feel so stupid. Like I see couples walking hand in hand and I want
that, but when it almost happens I freak out. I think I have
relationship anxiety or some mess. I swear I do.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I just don't know what I want anymore. Where the heck is
Dear Abby when you need her...:(

Until we read again,


Devon said…
If it walks like a duck...
Trust you instincts and don't worry too much about it. When the time and person is right you will know.
Didi Roby said…
Thanks Devon for those encouraging words. It's true what they say fear will make you miss out on life.

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