Thursday 30.....")

I was reading my friends blog today and I came across this lovely meme...I love these here I go:

I am not: The woman that I should be however, I am not the woman I used to be. Now that's real talk right there!

I hurt: The most when my Family and I disagree on anything.

I think: Wayyyyyyy too much. About the life I could have had if I had of just listened to the Lord in the first place, instead of going with my own way.

I hate: LIARS and THIEVES! I know hate is a strong word, but I can't help myself right now....

I hear: The voice of the Lord every time I try to do something out of his will for my life.

I cry: Mostly at night when everything and everyone is gone and over with.

I care: About everyone...even those that I don't know. It's in my nature I think. I love too hard.

I feel alone: At night when it's quite. When my mind starts to wander.

I listen: To that little voice inside my head that tells me everything in going to be alright.

I hide: Nothing! I am an open book damnit!

I drive: A 2006 Nissan Sentra!!! Halleluhah!

I sing: "Because I'm Happy" Mostly in the shower...that's where I pretend to be the winner of American Idol.

I dance: With the Little Ladies of Praise dance team....well I am just Choreographer.

I write: So that I may free my soul from any bondage...I have to express myself via pen and paper. I hope to one day publish my book.

I breathe: All the newness in the drives me to do bigger and better things each day.

I miss: My Grandma sooo much. At times when I feel like the world is about to break me, I miss her the most.

I say: What is on my mind....cause if I don't, I just might burst!

I feel: Like I am the most misunderstood person on the whole planet!

I succeed: Because I have too. I already have to work double hard because I am a I stay on my business ya heard me!

I fail: To understand men sometimes!!!!! Ya'll know you can drive us women crazy!!!!!

I dream: About the strangest things...last night I dreamt that I was invited to Bradgelina's son Maddox birthday party and they asked me to say something on their behalf about baby Shiloh. I know weird right? Freaked the L of out me

I sleep:'s so invigorating....:)

I wonder: About him all the time. Is he he he sad...ish like that.

I want: To have my own children some day...I love the thought of being a mother.

I worry: About my family all the time....

I give: From my heart and not from my mind.

I fight: The spirit of temptation on a regular!!!!

I wait: For no one but the Lord.

I stay: Connected to God at all times....for HE is the one that wakes me up each morning and starts me on my way...He is the one who provides my every need...And HE is the one guides my every move. Without HIM I am nothing.

I am: Who I am because "The ones that matter don't mind and the ones that mind don't matter!"

What A Great Self Exam....


Xave said…
Thanks for stopping by and for sharing your emotions with me. Just for that, I'm gonna do this thing on my blog... Stay tuned! (BIG HUG)
"I worry: About my family all the time...."...i worry all the time...
Ms.Behavin said…
Gonna have to steal this one! Thanx for sharing!
Didi Roby said…
No problem love, your thoughts deserved it. And I sure will:)

Don't make yourself sick with that hear? :)

Ms. Behavin'...
Do you thang ma!:)
Nika Laqui said…
I like this one. DiDi whether you know it or not, you are becoming the woman you want to are beautiful and in tune with you. Lots of women, people, can't say that about themselves. At least you know who you are and you accept you....sadly some don't...
DramaFree said…
I worry about my family too. I guess we can't help but to worry about those we love.
Xave said…
Oh, BTW, I did it. :-)
A fellow Virgo and a Nissan driver - you rock!

And don't get me to talking about you sleeping in the nude.

Thanks for visuals. ;o)
Didi Roby said…
Awwwwww thank you ma...I am a work in progress.

Family will wear you out sometimes!

I'm on it:)

Oooooooo you bad papi;o)
A Sistah Lovely said…
I saw this on X's. Will do the same. Luv your site. Dig your voice.

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