A Broken Relationship

"I told you I don't see you that way. I'm sorry. I just don't see you in that way Phillip, I see you as a good friend someone to talk to. Why can't you understand that? Then you get quite and upset when I tell you how I feel....Phillip, Phillip?" Click! He hung up on me...Wow!

How do you tell someone that you are just not into them the way they are into you? How do you get someone to realize that they will never be anything more to you then a friend? I thought I had it all figured out. But I realize I don't. I mean he is a nice guy and all, I just don't see him like that. I see him as my buddy pal, you know the guy that I tell things to and share thing with. He is not my best friend or anything but we have a lot in common. We attend the same church and have fun hanging out, but that's it. Plus I think he has a spirit of homosexuality following him. Two of his best friends are gay and I think he might be as well. That's not the main reason I don't like him a potential boyfriend, he is simply not what I am looking for. I mean I should be able to feel something if he were the one right? Like when he holds my hand, I should feel something. Or when he looks me in the eyes...I should feel something. With him I got nothing! I never once led him to believe I liked him other then a friend and I never once treated him mean or broke off our friendship because he made an advance on me. I just don't know what to do anymore. Leave him alone, stop calling him, yell at the top of my lungs..."LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T LIKE YOU!" WHAT!!!!

My phone rings and it him, I pick it up and....

"Deirdre, I think it is best that we don't call each other anymore. I don't know how to be just your friend, so I don't think we should talk anymore. Goodbye."

And just like that I lost a good friend and we haven't talked since. It's funny how one person can see something that other does not see and tries to make the other person see it and feel it. Oh well, I sure hope and pray I am not the cause of him not coming to church anymore....(worried)


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