The Heart Gets Stronger Everytime You Use It...A quote from Felicity

Okay so I was at work today and I was feeling know like any other day...Then all of a sudden this feeling of sadness just engulfed me like an inferno. I began to cry and literally could not stop. Well eventually I got a grip on myself and things got back to normal. Then after work I took a stroll through the mall, not to make a purchase which I am proud to announce was a success! Anyway, as I was peering into the Macy's window like a friggin peeping tom, I saw someone who I thought I would never see in a million years. He literally looked the same as he did the last time I saw him. I mean it was almost as if he was wearing the exact same outfit he was wearing when we said what was to be our final "see you"
Well once I snapped out of the whole starring thing, I gathered my thoughts and darted off in the opposite direction of Macy's all together. (See I told you I didn't buy nothing) I walked so fast back to my car and sat there all slumped down in the driver's seat like I didn't want anyone to see me. I felt like I did back when this guy and I were...well we weren't dating, and we weren't sleeping together...well that was a lie, when slept together once or twice...or thrice. You see he was guy I lost my virginity to and I just thought he was the MOST! I used to sneak out of the house to go watch him drive his motorcycle on Dottie Rd...and I was a full grown woman folks! I was 22 when I met him and 23 when I gave away the most precious gift I owned...I'm not talking about me virginity, I'm talking about my heart. You see I am one of those kinds of ppl that one would call a 'hopeless romantic' and I am...I want to be happy and I love the thought of being in love. Being with that special someone who just makes you float. Well, I knew this guy was not the 'floating' type, but I liked him anyway. In fact I liked him so much, I chose him to be my first. I was such a lame a**...I thought my sweet heart would change him from a player to a 'one woman man'...well boy in his case. NOT SO MUCH! He never saw me the same way I saw him and that was the beginning of all my problems.
When we said "see you" the last time I saw him, I knew it was forever but I just didn't want to believe it. So I tried to hang out every where I knew he did, just to get a glance at him. It was horrible. And everytime I saw him my heart only broke more and more each time. I can't even remember the last time my heart wasn't broken in some way or another. But I still tunnel through life and try to experience new things and new ppl all the time...Regardless of pain. This is why I am so afraid to approach men...for the very first time I did, he scared me for life...well 10 years of it.
I drove around for a while in the rain coming to a stop light and seeing a young couple kissing in the rain. It was sort of nice to see, but also made me feel alone again so I was done looking at them. I went and paid my rent and got myself a Kentucky Fried Chicken Mash Potato Bowl and came on home. Upon arrivng home and settling in, I chked my email and blog for comments and wouldn't you know I got inspired. Xavier, one of my new blog buddies left me a comment on the last post I did and it inspired me to call hottie dude (Scott) back. (Thanks X) We talked for about a good 45 min and made plans to meet up for lunch tomorrow. As I sat at my computer reflecting on a day that I will never see again, I realized one oh so important thing. I was so sad earlier today and that pain brought forth a memory via someone from my past that had caused me great pain. Then that same pain made me stronger enough to call and see what the future holds with someone I guess Felicity was right..."...the heart (does) get stronger everytime you use it..."

...A New Version Of Me...Almost Complete


Organized Noise said…
That's a deep quote. I like it. I might have to remember that in the future.

I see the person I gave my virginity every Sunday (we go to the same church). Luckily, the first person I gave my heart to is in Maryland. Brings back too many memories of the person I used to be a few years ago.

Glad you were able to turn a negative into a positive.
Didi Roby said…
Thanks love:)
Xave said…
Oh my, did I do dat? LOL (warm brotherly embrace) You are such a sweetheart. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. I really needed that.
Didi Roby said…
I thank you for reading's like you were listening to me as well...*pushing your arm like a sister would her brother*

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