Donnerstag Dreizehn!

1. Friday....Apartment was robbed! I am sure it was someone in my aparment building. Those lousy, lazy, good for nothing, in need of much prayer thieves!

2. Police didn't show up until 4 hours later!

3. Landscum tried to de-face my character, but my lawyer friend got him right together. Stupid Landscum!

4. Saturday...Spent most of the day washing what was left of my clothes! *steam spouting from my head like lava*

5. Finished cleaning the rest of my house...I was so mentally drained.

6. Sunday...Teacher's training class and then to church. While in class I got my break through from the whole robbery sitch.

7. Began to praise the Lord and while doing so I was blessed with 250.00 dollars! Thanks Glenda and Deborah!

8. Finally got a good nights sleep.

9. Monday...Babycakes Graduated from grammar school and is now on her way to High School...I'm so proud!

10. Linda (the snitch) made me an Ornament Shoes for my tree to cheer me up and called it a good luck shoe...thanks Linda.

11. Tuesday...Mom and Dad had a fight...I am getting wayyyyyy to old for that there mess.

12. Wednesday...Replaced my Jamie Fox CD. "...Some call it bad/ Some call it good/Some do it bougie/Some do it hood/I do it hood/Can I say that one mo time/I do it hood/oooh oooh oooh oooo"

13. Thursday...had a long conversation with Mr.'s has been nice talking to him every morning this week....yeah nice....while it lasts.

So Far So Good



Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear about your Apt Mz.DD
And that Jamie Fox CD is tight, unforunately for him, I am into women, otherwise he would be high on my list!
Brea said…
Sounmds like you have some great friends to help you get through a rough time. You are blessed.

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