Okay so I get this phone call from my girlfriend used to watch my pug Funky for me when I first got her from my ex on that cold rainy night in November, and yet she still found herself watching him now that the new career has me working later then I care too. Well at first when I began to ask about how my lil Funky was, it seemed as though she wanted to tell me something but didn't quite know how to if you know what I mean. So we began to talk about something else. We talked about how she and her new friend were doing fine and that she thinks he might be the one. I was so happy to hear that, she needed some one to love. Anyway by the time we had chatted up about new friends, church, school and work it was wayyy past my bed time and I needs my 8 hours, or I am simply no good the next day. So I ended the call by telling her I would come by there on Saturday evening and pick up Funky so we could spend some quality see I work crazy hours and I wouldn't dare dream of leaving Funky at home by her I did my poor Nikki (my gray kitty) I was gone so much until she hung her self trying to get food from atop the fridge....poor Nikki:((
Any how, she finally broke down and told me the bad news..."Funky has some type of bone disease that is too far gone to save his life. So the vet thinks we should put him down....what do you think we should do?" I was so out done all I could do was sit there on the edge of my bed with my mouth hung open like a woman at a strip club for the first time. I was so hurt I didn't know what to do, or what to say. Dang Funky had only been in my life for a short while and most of that time she was with that bum ex of mine because I couldn't have any pets. So then I finally get her and now she has to be put down due to some bone disease....WTF? I didn't want her to die, but I also didn't want her to suffer. When I went to see her Saturday she was so thin and weak looking like she had no fight left in her at all. She still licked my nose like she always did, she just didn't have any get up and go. It's like it happened all of a sudden. She was fine the last weekend I picked her up...or was I so consumed with my own worries that I didn't even notice her weakness and pain. Wow....I am an awful pet owner. First I send Funky to live with a friend, then I ignore her little cries for help by allowing my own life issues to weigh me down like a 3000 pound elephant....Or had Funky been sick the whole time we (me and the ex dumbazz) had her and not even the ex dumbazz noticed it? Which ever the case on Sunday Afternoon we took Funky to the Vet and she was put to sleep....forever. It was so hard to watch and all while I was standing there watching Funky's eyes get heavier and heavier, not once did I think about my own crisis....that is until I got in the cab and went home.....I would post a pic of her in remembrance, but my work PC hates me......:((

Rest In Peace Funky
Funky Spunk


NameLiar said…
Awe Deeds!
Here I am talking about some negro and Funky Spunk done gon' on home. Sorry to hear that. You know I loves me some animals.
DramaFree said…

R.I.P. Funky
Cherise said…
I am sorry about your baby.

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