My Inspiration...

Okay so I have decided to lose some weight...I'm not over weight, but I would like to tone up a lot. I am 5'3 168 pounds and most of that are I keep my stomach down and my legs toned, but I still would like to see better results in some areas of my body. Thank God I don't have any stretch marks...well any visible ones, cause I would just die if I could wear my skirts and dresses. Then I went to Jewels on Sunday after church with my sister friend Debbie and I saw a picture of Janet Jackson....She became my inspiration! That 40 year old woman looks FABULOUS! I know she has money so she can afford a trainer and what not, but she still had to hump to get that weight off. She was up to 198 pounds! She looked a mess. I have always loved Janet and when she gains all that weight and loses it, it makes me think I can do it also...minus the personal trainer, and millions for lyposuction...I to can be slim and trim.




DramaFree said…
Dang, I'm 27, and my abs don't look like that! She makes me want to hit the gym all hard. Go Janet!
Unknown said…
I need to loose some fat myself, I would love to see some sixpacks on my body one day...soon!
All the best with your mission.
Unknown said…
H yes Janet is hot!
I inagine from what I see that you're all good in my eye right now. But if you feel the need to improve...
Didi Roby said…
sorry bout that shut down ma...rain storm blew me out:) I feel ya!

My abs need a serious work out as well:)

Awwwwww thanks love. I don't want to change much...just tone up a bit:)

Yeah! because she got them lifted I'm sure:)
LOL. We about the same
Losing weight has always been a battle with me, and I bought the US Magazine with Janet's transformation. She looks great but I'm sure she got some work done. She's a taurus like myself and we do have a tendency of putting on weight really quick because we luuuuuuuv to eat. But like yourself i'll start my discipline to lose next, gotta enjoy the weekend.
Rose said…
Janet has me convinced. I'm starting my regimen Sunday...
brooklyn babe said…
Dat hoe.
I love her.
(Lord forgive me...I'm hatin)

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