Kemuel's Back!

Today I spent the most wonderful day of my life with a little guy that loves me purely. My God son Kemuel. I will have the pleasure of spending 2 weeks with him (maybe more...) while his arm heals. He had a nasty fall a few days ago, and broke his little arm. He was going to start pre-school but he has to wait until his arm heals. I am so excited to be spending this quality time with him. Today he made me smile from my heart. I so needed to smile today, and his pure love came right in handy.

I found myself crying this morning around 1am. I will not go into why or who was the cause of my "all of a sudden" sadness and burst of tears. All I will say is I had to make a tough choice and as much as it hurt, I must now pick myself up and dust off my heart. People brush their shoulders off...I dust my heart off. I gotta keep on being me no matter what. Being me is all I know how to do. I can't and won't change. One day someone will see me for who I really am and what I have to offer. "I Hate U" is what he said to me. Well be that as it may, I never really had your heart anyway now did I?

I'm good.


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