Do to the fact that I have to be at work this evening and won't be home until my birthday has already begun, I have to post this tonight. I would like to thank all my blog buddies who have already raised their Champipple or Coke cans *wink* to help me celebrate: Mills , BKBabe , Envizable , DIVA , Foxy , Rose , Michele , Brea , Chesty , Princess and...Greg I don't take days like this for granted ppl...I am so blessed to be around yet another day. God has been so good to me...and I Love my Father for loving me so much:) Now on with the Birthday List! 7 Things I WANT... One: More HAPPINESS! DANGIT! Two: A new CAR Three: A new laptop Four: A new Bedroom set Five: A new pair of Shoes I need anymore *cheez* Six: More MAC cosmetics...I'm a little low right about now:) Seven: A Vacation ...Anywhere! 7 Things I NEED... One: A new Vacuum cleaner Two: A new Cell Phone ...Sprint is about to make me lose it! Three: A new Apartment ...Does anyone have a room *cheez*...