Different Spin On It...Jesus Gives A Pimp Slap...

Due To Technical Difficulties The 3rd Shout Outs Post Will Be Postponed Until...These Triflin So Called Men In My Life Get It To Freaking Gether!!!!
Okay so I am very much a single gal and so far I can see why! I mean why is it that as soon as you decided to go back into water...someone yells....SHARK!?
I just don't understand it I swear...Lord you are seriously going to have to fill me in on this one. I was searching for just the right picture to go with this post and I came across this one. I know what your thinking (Dee-Dee the title of that picture is "Out Stretched Arms"...)
Well when I first saw it I saw Jesus giving some lame a** negro a PIMP SLAP!
Call the psychiatrist and bring me an ink blot if you want to...that's what I see.
Now if lame a** negro doesn't apply to you then disregard this post and this song...right now Keyshia Cole is speaking the truth and I have to play it til it burns folks.
I told you that Taj came back into my life and that we were going to be friends first then see how things go...remember? Then I go and get this major crush on someone and I put the "see how things go" on hold...Well don't you know folks he (Taj) is engaged to be married! WTH? We were just talking on the phone like 4days ago and he didn't mention one time about this(SHARK!) I mean "engagement" Oh well....
And then I told you guys about how Tony came through out of the "BLUE" and made me feel better during my brief moment of sadness...well he just had problems that seemed murch murch bigger then mine, so I quickly got a grip. He wants to maybe start up a relationship again but remember I am still on crush mode and loving it by the way...*wink at my Twin* so I don't really know if I want that or not. Well don't you know some chick calls my phone last night and starts to let me have it about her as she put it..."my man!" WTH? I just saw him night before last and he didn't mention to me about this(SHARK!) I mean "girlfriend" Oh well...
And then while on my way to the corner store from my apartment some hottie dude tries to spit his little game on a sista but of course I was too smart for that. Besides he looked to be about 12 YEARS OLD ANYWAY! so I just mossy on in the store and about my business. Well don't you know that as soon as I emerged from the store the police had hottie dude and some other dude in cuffs and were putting them in the squad car...WITH? Word on the streetz was that hottie dude was being watched anyway for selling(SHARK!) I mean "illegal substances" Oh well...
See why I'm single folks? Do Ya? *Sigh* Man I pray that the man of my"crush"dreams hurry up and shows his face soon...Or else Keyshia made have to have an anchor...sing girl!


Dee Dee you are a trip! #1, I love Keyshia Cole cd with all my heart. #2, I can feel every word you say on this post. This had to be the funniest post. The Jesus "slap" was out of control funny. The shark metaphors, too too funny.
I can't believe you are having all this drama with men. WTF am I thinking! Of course I understand! Those dudes are tripping.
However, I would love to know how the coversation went with the shark about you and her man...lol. I know, you don't have to tell me. I have been on the accusing and receiving end of that one.
Brea said…
I know I don't have to tell you that going back to be "just friends" never works. Do I?

I have a feeling you have yet to meet the man you deserve. Hang in there girl.
Rose said…
Men...love them or leave them....there is one for you out there. Face it...if you didn't have these bad experiences you wouldn't know the right one when he comes.....
Knockout Zed said…
I got an idea. Switch to women. And let me watch.

Didi Roby said…

Girl it was a mess fo real...email for them there details...:)

That Shark lost her dang mind...oooooh oooh oh but I helped her find her senses like ASAP!:)


No you don't ma...I should have known better. Thanks Love:)


You are so right...And that's what keeps me holding on over here...that and my rabbit...ha ha ha!:)


You would like that wouldn't you? You couldn't handle that...you would go into shock over there...LOL:)
Anonymous said…
there's a saying that says 'you need to kiss lotta frogs before your prince charming'.... you see, it's LOTS not ALL :D there're certain frogs that you just need to stay away from... :) but your prince charming is there, girl.. it's there... :D
Didi Roby said…

At this here point I'll take two cases of hopin potion and then imma douse them SHARKS with it!...LOL:)


Thanks sweetie I do believe you are right.:)


And I know you are right cyberling:) *Imma "Southern" gal anyway...wink*

And zed better go somewhere with that mess...I likes the brown not the pink...ooookkkaaayyyy! *snap*:)
NameLiar said…
Well I'll be damned...it turns out Taj and Tony were just some puss asses. Oh well fuck 'em.

We both know something better is out there for you. I'm gon' have to get them details on what you said to ole' girl who called you. You know I would have been on some bitch please ish...don't call me call your "man." Ooo that shit burns me up, why do women do that?
Didi Roby said…

No sweetie it's not male bashing day or day after for that matter...lol:) I just had to let off some steam.

I know now! @ "Never go back to an ex, have you ever heard???"

Thanks:) Oh and P.S....don't go near DIVA my girl is upset right about now...LOL:)


Yeah man...them dudes had me fooled...and watch Tony try and lie..."You ain't got to lie craig" And why do women do that you ask...read DIVA's comment...nuff said!


Whoa me thinks homegirl hit a nerve over there in the NYC...I'm glad you said all that..now maybe some poor little trick will read my blog and see the era of her ways...and maybe we can put an end to all this madness once and for all...:)

P.S. Minus the curse words...I let her have it trust and know:)
OK lets go...It's WHY Wednesday??
Rell said…
"Love" is my joint...
Dee-Dee, I need a new post. Thank you.
brooklyn babe said…
Baby you're just going to have to learn to ride or (eat) shark!!!!
I teach you...lol

Peace Out
"Tina Turner" aka Bk Babe
(you see how I did Ike right...lol)

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