Crack Folks!...It's The CRACK! Pt2

"See it's Ish like that (Steve talking to some dude in the audience) That let's me further know...." Steve Harvey in Kings of Comedy

I swear I could do about 10 parts to this post right here...easy! I mean in my daily walk through this thing we call life, I meet or I know someone who (by the way they act) are apparently on Crack! So where there is a part 1...there must be a part 2...So here we go!

.....The Target The Bank aka My Job.....

Okay so I am not complaining about my job Per-say...for I really like this job and I am grateful for it, however they are a target none the less. First of all when I finally got my work badge they spelled my name wrong and then tried to argue with me on the correct spelling..."I know how to spell my own dang name ppl okay?" And then they gave me my door key which to this day still does not work. I started September's October 10th...go figure. And then they messed up my direct deposit so I had to wait a whole nother *that's right nother* pay period in order to get my money. Well that's not the reason they are a target today that stuff is nothing compared to the real reason why they make the list. *Pause...Dee-Dee walks across the here ppl is where the CRACK enters the scene* I was off work for two days/nights due to the awful cold I told you guys about. So when I return to work the next night my supervisor takes me into a corner and asks me did I take my drug test yet? I tell her yes and she says the bank hasn't gotten the results back yet and due to this mishap I have to go home until this matter is made clear....WTF? I ask her did she know about this while I was out sick and she says yes...yes ppl! I say "you mean to tell me that you knew BEFORE I came to work that I couldn't come to work until this matter is made clear?" she says yes. Now I ask you folks...WHY DIDN'T SHE CALL ME AT HOME AND TELL ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE I WASTED TIME COMING TO WORK AND THEN HAVE TO LEAVE. AND KEEP IN MIND I WAS ON THE BUS BECAUSE MY RIDE DOESN'T GET OFF UNTIL 7 AM!!!!! Say it with me folks...It's the CRACK!

.....The Target Trinity aka My girlfriend with 4 children.....

Alright so me and my girl Trinity plan a day to go when Iiiiii say shopping that means stuff like shoes, handbags, clothes, jewelry etc...she meant for food so I went along anyway...hey a girls gotta eat too right? *wink* Okay now Trin has one of them link card thingies and she just swore up and down that she had enough money on the dang thing to purchase whatever she put in her cart. Okay so she says to me "Danni get what you need too okay? I mean it is the least I can do for you giving me this ride and all." I'm like "Trin are you sure?Didn't you by some things the other day with that card?" Now as I understand it you can use that card for more then just groceries and she bought some other things the other day while we were out, so I was just making for sure before we piled the cart full. *Pause...Dee-Dee walks across the here ppl is where the CRACK enters the scene* Okay so she starts piling the cart up with food and while she is doing so I say "Trin don't you think you should chk to make sure you have enough on the card before you pile another thing in this cart?" She goes "Naw girl I got it. It's on here trust me." *ya'll know where this is going right?" Well don't you know we get up to the counter and dude starts to ring up all her stuff first so not to put my stuff in her bags and when he was done she asked for a sub-total. *Why is asking for a sub-total I was thinking to myself* Atfer dude rang everything up the total was 217.58. She swipes the card and don't you know she didn't have enough on the dang thing! She only had 36.00 dollars on the card. She looked over at me as if to say (danni help a sister out) I politely asked dude how much my stuff was and paid for that and said "Trin let's go." ...I know what your thinking folks...(Dee-Dee she has 4 kids why didn't you help her out?) Well if she didn't buy unnecessary stuff with her money trying to live a single person's lifestyle, she would have had the money to buy those groceries!...Say it with me folks...It's the CRACK!

.....Target The Judicial System aka The Jury Duty PPL.....

First of all let me tell Envizable or any other person who may work for said system...I'm sorry...but this has got to be said! Okay well I was called for jury duty for October 6 and I was sort of glad because first of all I had never been called before and second of all I was going to be off work with it was alright with me...or so I thought. Well they sent me all the way out to Maywood , IL for this jury duty and that my friends is a long long long way from my house. I had to be there at 8: 00 am and I was going from work which I had just gotten off of at 5:00 am. *Pause...Dee-Dee walks across the here ppl is where the CRACK enters the scene* I get there and we go through all of the necessary stuff in order to prepare you for IF you get called to serve. *Pause again...I thought that once you get the paper in the mail for jury duty you are automatically a juror or will most likely be called to serve as one....boy was I wrong* Anywhoo We watch the film and then....we wait...and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait...and wait...and wait some more. And then....we wait..and wait...and wait...and YOU GET MY POINT RIGHT? WTF? After all that waiting was done it was like 4:00 or some ish and then the lady tells us we can go home. Well I'll be....and then they give you check for like 17 dollars and some change...*sigh* Say it with me folks...It's The CRACK!


This post was hillarious. Can't wait for part III.
I would not have paid for the groceries either. It is no telling what food she really did not need and was just impulse buying. I would not have wasted my money either. I could see if her cart was full with just the basics like milk, eggs, chicken, and bread. But if she was purchasing fruit roll-ups and snacks then I would have said "let's go" too.
Cherise said…
I need to Post My list about the Crackish Experiences I've had in the past week. .. but there are so many of them that I can't keep up with them. Shoot me your IM for Yahoo..
Brea said…
Girl, you are too funny!
Knockout Zed said…
*in my best yiddish accent*
Always with the crack, these people. Geez.

Didi Roby said…

you see I didn't right?:) She is a mess man:)

Reese...I sent you my IM link did you chk it?

Put them Crack Chronicles on blast girlie:)


Yeah well....:)

Knockout Zed...

Why Yiddish? LOL:)


YES! And then when we get in the car she calls herself letting have it because she freaked up! My ppl man I tell you:)
toneec42 said…
Oh you know gurlfriend knew she only had $36 on her card. She was banking you would not let her be embarassed and help her out. Of course you woulda never seen your money again.
And Dee didn't you know most of jury duty is sitting around waiting to see if you get called to be questioned and possibly sit on a jury? Noticed I said questioned to see if you possibly get on a jury. That's why I just pack a lunch and bring a book.
NameLiar said…
Okay ya girl is that is what you were talking about the other night okay got you...still lmao.

Just say no people.
The mere fact that they would make the speling of your name debatable is unbelievable.
DramaFree said…
It's definitely the crack.

And I definitely feel ya on the jury duty crap. I sat in the juror pool room from 7am until they finally decided to let the rest of the pool 3 pm. And then I only got paid $30. I can't even get a good hit of crack with that lol (j/k by the way)
Rose said…
Sorry DeeDee but you missed your calling. You should be on stage..Funny blog....
It's WHY Wednesday!

Come on with it then...

WHY did you make a part two?


See you on the show!
Didi Roby said…

Did you get my last email?


I know now!


LMAO!!! yep that's it/her!


You know? They must have thought that I WAS WRONG HUH?...


It seems like it don't it? *smile*

Living Single...

Don't you hate JD? I do. Unless I get something like an OJ trial...then I will LOVE IT!


You think so? I'm just funny when I ranting and raving:)


Cause these ppl need Jesus! And since I can't supply them with that...I must put them on blast...:)


I'll be waiting girlie...:)
I wanted to comment on the artwork. I love it. Email me. I want to know where you get it from. Oh and I know YOU won't forget to comment on the SHOE post.

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