Out! of the "BLUE"...

First I would like to thank each and everyone of you that have prayed and that are still praying for me as I go through this fire right now. I would list you guys but so not to forget anyone and risk an email about it later...I will just say Thank you ALL SO VERY MUCH! However I have to put an extra special pinch of Love on it for my Girl Mills and My Twin Tiff...they took on my pain as if it were their own and I Love you gals for that!

Well as I have told you before I have been going through something really heartbreaking this week and part of last week...but I have been handling it something like a soldier...something like. Anyway today I feel much better then the days of the past. I woke up this morning with red and puffy eyes from crying all last night because I was so BLUE. Then When I looked in the mirror I said to myself...I said "Self" and myself said "huh" "You have to stop this crying once and for all...do you hear me?" So I wiped my face and applied a hydrating mask with moisturizer so I could get rid of the puffiness and redness. Then I sat down on the bed and began to reflect on the events that took place yesterday...also so the mask would have time to work it's magic...*cheese*

I posted a blog in September entitled...
It's September...I Wonder What He's Doing Right Now? It was about an old boyfriend of mine named "T". I always seem to think about him around that month because that's the month when we met. Well it has been about a year and a half since we last saw one another. I pass his house..well what I thought was his house on my way to work every night. A part of me was hoping to see him or catch a glimpse of him coming in or out of his apartment. (that's just some honesty there folks) *Keeee Keeee my Ernie laugh* Well I never did and so I once again put that chapter of my life in the fireplace of my mind...but somehow it never seems to BURN!

Okay so I had just come home from work Thursday morning and I was not sleepy at all. I mean I was wide awake! So I decided to do some work around my apartment....some well needed work I must say. As I was picking up my 100 pairs of shoes and ish the doorbell rings. At first I didn't answer it because everyone knows that I work at night and that I am probably sleep around this time. Then it rings again...and longer this time too. So I go to the speaker and ask who is it. The voice says..."It's "T"." I go..."Who?" the voice says..."Deirdre it's "T"." Now no one but my Mother and "T" (who I wrote about) calls me that....everyone else calls me Dee-Dee or Danni....or Deedz courtesy of my girl Mills...lol:) So I buzz the door and let him in. I had this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach, I felt like I was going to throw up or some ish. Well I stepped outside in the hallway to make sure it was him and not some "T" impersonator. *one eyebrow raised* As I was looking down the stairwell I realized that I still had my morning mask on my face (I put one on every day) so I run back in the house and into the washroom to take the mask off. *whew close call folks* He knocks on the half open door and I say
"T"? (he answered) come in I'll be out in a minute."

Why is it that we as women look in mirror like a thousand times before we go into a mans presence? I mean I was taking my hair down putting it back up...putting on earrings taking them off...it was scary. Any who I finally came out of the washroom and sure enough it was him. We greeted each other and I asked him how he was feeling and where he had been for the past year and a half. He told me of the many things that have been going on in his life since we last saw each other. He has been going through a lot and for a minute my problems didn't seem so bad at all. I was able to listen to someone else and try to help them and I was able to forget just for a little while about my own problems. He seemed so bogged down and tired in his spirit. Well I told him to relax and I kept on cleaning...next thing you know I step back into the room and he was fast asleep....Sleep folks! Whoa! So I of course covered him up and let him sleep. Ain't it funny how you can totally be in your own world and someone or something can come along and change that in a instant.
It's funny but I thank him for stopping by when he did...it brought me out of the BLUE....even if only for a little while:)

Until We Read Again,


Hang in there girl. I had no idea. I've been blogging a little less and trying to get housework done. But although we're states apart, feel free to email me anytime. We can exchange numbers.
Rose said…
Dee Dee Isn't it amazing how God can send someone else your way to show that there are others going through problems that are deeper than your own...keep the faith and I'll continue to pray for you.
Knockout Zed said…
Deeeeeeeee-Deeeeeeeeeeeee! Can you come out and plaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!

Brotha Buck said…
So sorry you are in a blue. I've been there. You know, guys, at least this guy likes a woman who'll come to the door in her naturalness, mask and everything. No makeup. That is so sexy. Be yourself. And hey, I love the artwork you display here.
Brea said…
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. What a great story of two lives coming together at the right place at the right time.
DramaFree said…
Dee-Dee, I'm glad that you're feeling better. Certain trials that we go through are put there to simply show us exactly who's God. Whatever it is you're going through, just know that it's nothing that you and Him can't handle..together.

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