Everyone Can See The "Bright Side" But Me

This week has been one that I will probably never forget. I have been through some things that have really shaken my spirit. It may not seem like it but I am a mess right now for reasons I can't really say right now. I have done everything I knew how to do to keep my spirit up and running...but somehow I can't really seem to get it back on track.
I have a confession to make...I laugh and smile on the outside all the time to keep from showing what's really going on inside. I put on a facade at times because I don't want people to see me cry or see me weak. I know it's wrong but It's my only defense against the trails and tribulations that plaque me sometimes. "Make em laugh Dee" then when the laughter stops....I cry again.
I found out some news that I don't believe I can handle without the Lord...I have always wondered why Bad things happen to Good people...I still do not know the answer to that one. I guess I will never know. I asked the Lord..."why me?" and He replied..."Why not You?" Just like that...I was sitting in my closet and the Lord spoke those words to me just as plan as day. I took from it that he only chastens the ones he loves. So if you are not going through nothing..you ain't worth much. It's what we do after we have gone through that he cares about the most. Jesus went through much more for me...*sigh* I am scared ya'll and one day I will have a testimony...but until then....Pray for me:(
If you don't see me for a while just know that I am still reading...:)
I'm so sorry to read that you're being tried by fire right now. But remember that we are refined by that fire, too.
It burns away all the crap so we can be the pure gold God wants us to be.
I will be praying for you.
Hugs to you from me.
You're in my prayers! Check your email...
hang in there, girl... life is unfair sometimes, but then what doesn't kill us will make us stronger :)
whatever you're going thru right now, do the best you can to get thru this.. so someday you can look back and have a smile on your face
We'll talk later and I am still praying.
Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be make known to God; 7 and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus."
This helped me and I hope it helps you!
Good Luck and God Bless You!
I am praying for you. I've been told that God will not put more on you than you can bear. Trust that...and trust him and you will be fine...
I am so sorry I am late seeing this but gurl know the prayer wheel is turning now! Yes, God chastises us because He loves us but He also allows us to go through things not because we were wrong but because He wants us to be stronger and better. He also wants us to demonstrate to those who don't know Him, how we trust and love Him through it all. Hang on my sista, joy comes in the morning.
Sometimes we go thru things that are unexplainable. It just is. I've been up and down my whole life. I think it has to do with my surroundings and the way I choose to handle the cards life deals me. Hang in there. As long as you're breathing there is always tomorrow.