"Bags" Are Not Attractive "Eye" Wear

How many of you know that a man can see your sh*t? Oh yes in deedly doodly!! They can pick up on all your mess from the door boo boo's trust and know. I mean if you gots some baggage they will see it a mile away and then use what they pick-up in reverse on you.

Now you do have your occasional man who won't be able to spot the I GOT BAGGAGE AND ISSUES radar, so we won't talk about you precious little sugas in this here post okay my loves? We gonna talk about the ones who spot your sh*t and run with it!!

Friday after work I went to this small club with one of my co-workers. See it was my last day working with her and she wanted to celebrate my new found jobby job and say goodbye at the same time. I hadn't been to a club in like forever so of course I was like a fish out of water in that place. My prim a** did not blend what so ever:) Now keep in mind we are just getting off work and it's about 12 something in the morning. So I am tired and sleepy and don't want to be bothered in the first place.

We walk into the club and why do I spot like four people I knew from numerous different places in my life. I was like wtf are they still doing in these clubs acting like teenagers wit their 30 something a**es? Didn't they grow the h*ll up at any time during their journey through this thing we call life? Now I m not saying you shouldn't go to clubs and what not, I'm just saying shouldn't your choice of atmosphere have changed a little as you get older. This club she took me to looked as if one of the requirements was you had to be 21 and under!

Now I am happily single right now and I am somewhat okay with that. I am however crushing real hard on this one guy, but it hasn't gone any further then that. And then there is Taj but we are just two people trying to get that friendship thang back on track. So naturally I didn't go into this club looking for a man to flirt with nor did I want one flirting with me. I mean they all looked like they would make a Roberta (R) Kelly out of a sister anyways so I was straight on that trust me:) We walked around for a minute and found a empty table and sat down.

The girl I was with was "mandy" from (you think you know...do you have any idea) She is real childish sometimes and has this tendency to tell just a little to much of her business to total strangers. She was sitting there soaking in the atmosphere like a sponge. Every guy that walked up she had to tell she was single...now why do some women do that? Why? I mean if you have to tell a nigg you single, then in my opinion you need to be. I mean it was like:...."Hi my name is mandy and I'm single." wtf?? And she wasn't even the one who got read like a newspaper either. As we were sitting there she finally caught some guys attention long enough for him to ask her to dance. She left and I was all alone at the table like prey for some mindless young dude to come and try to spit his game on. Instead I gets that dude who was only at the club to spot women with issues and baggage and read them in the hopes of taking them home, because of course he just told them all about how lonely they were and what not. why me?

The conversation went a little something like this....

dude: what up babygirl
me: (real dry) hi
dude: what's you name babygirl?
me: why?
dude: d*mn, a nigga can't know yo name?
me: I mean what's the point. we are not gonna see each other after the brief encounter anyway...
dude: (cutting me off) Oh I see. you one of them "I been hurt by so many niggas and I am not having that sh*t again girls" right?
me: you seem to know...break it down for me.
dude: yeah man I see you girls all the time. you come in here wit your shoes and handbags tryin to act like you all that but in reality you are scared little girls runnin from getting your feelings hurt again.
me: (looking like wtf?)
dude: yeah it's all on your face babygirl. you wish I would get the f**k out of your face (me:thinking true) so you could go back to sitting all by yo self and think about that man you wish you had but can't. You type of girls are always holding on to past sh*t like that sh*t is the cure. you pass guys up cause you automatically think they are out to hurt or something. so you go home and cry about being lonely and pretend you are happy when yo friends come around. I could go on and on but I won't sweetheart I will just leave you like you want me to. (kisses me on the cheek and walks off)

Now I wanted to slap that fool and tell him how wrong he was but some of that sh*t was a bit true. I told ya'll before I'm the main one to admit my flaws...and putting on a happy face for the crowd is one of them. D*mn! I just got checked up by a Crack head! wtf?


Girl you're funny. I know all about that "dry" hello.
Angel! said…
People around me are the ones advertising the fact that I am single! Grrrrrrrr.

Pretty funny/interesting post.
Chele said…
I do the best I can with what I have. I'm glad someone is trying to hold someone accountable. Here's how you can help.


To: United States Congress
This petition is to urge congress to investigate the lack of immediate response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina
Anonymous said…
I'm back!! you missed me? Be Be said hello.

What club was it? Did you see main?...lmao!! Fuck Dude!!

Hey Dee hook a brother up wit echo (big ass smile)
Didi Roby said…

yeah man he kinda got me there for a sec...but I quickly recovered:)

Yeah man...this dude I'm crushing on is like crack with a voice:)


We do the dry voice well don't we?:)


Thanks for stopping by. Why do our friends do that mess to us?


Thanks!:) I will hit that link and do what I can:)

Brea...yeah man I hate that mess too. Obviously right?:)


You a mess boi. Awwwww Be Be. Echo don't want you boi:)


Hey, so now you know what they on huh? Well I gave you guys a quick shout out for being cool cats in the begining of that post. Now that you know what's up...be easy weezie.
Rose said…
Girl I love reading your posts. Can imagine you saying, WTF.You are too funny. But a lot of guys say they can tell who's got baggage and once they know, they will work it to their advantage.
Crackheads and children always see right through you! hehe
And talk about feeling old - we haven't been to a club for eight or nine years and we felt like we were in a foreign country!
I almost spit out my drink when I read "Roberta Kelly" =)

At this point in my life, even if I were single, I think I'd rather go to the dentist than to a singles bar!! LOL :D

btw, I LOVE the artwork you post.
Didi Roby said…

Thank you kindly:)

yeah (some) men are scum...but they are cute:)


Like a fish out of water ya know:)


Man I don't want my "Groove Back" at them rates:)

Thanks! The art work is via my internet explorer...just type and click:)
My-Conscience said…
Girl you should have broke it back down to him. First by saying...

I know, you one of those broke asses MF's that don'e know what the F*ck they are talking about. Yeah, i know them the kind that walk around clubs stalking women who they think is on a rebound when actually they want you to bounce out of their face.

Yeah. I know the kind, the kind that need to keep stepping cause a sista like me is nothing but cofident and don'thave no time for you lame ass lines. Good nite...
NameLiar said…
Lawd hav mer say..."hi my name is Mandy and I am single"...lmao...she should just wear a sign that way she won't have to work as hard...lol
Didi Roby said…

Now you know you right. I wanted to let him have really really bad. I probably couldn't think that quick on my feet anyway. Should have you or nameliar there with me for his a**:)


I ain't lying man...she was killing me with that one right there!!lol:)
Anonymous said…
Whoa! Oh My!
Cherise said…
Ok **Shakes Head** he would've got slapped just for kissing me and violating my space! PERIOD POINT BLANK. I don't care how Dr Phil he tried to get on you.. he was outta line. I get this done to me all the time. MEN ALWAYS COME AT ME WITH THAT "Smile babygurl" shhh! Smile for what? Because your broke ass is approaching me hoping I'm desperate enough to fall for your tired drag... Yea OK! You just reiterated Why I DON'T do clubs.. Sigh.... Wish I could've had your back that night momma.
Cherise said…
Oh yea! The Roberta Kelly joint had a sista rollin... LMAO at that one. For some reason I attract really YOUNG men.. 18, 19, 20ish... it's flattering in a way, but they aren't ready by a long shot! ;)

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