For Crying Out Loud!...Why You Ask Me?

Is She Is Chained To His Pain?

*Linda is a trip...A Post reincarnated*

Now that my birthday has come and gone (Go Virgo's)'s time to get back to the business at hand. Okay so let's talk about people who get caught in their ish and when other ppl find out about it they want to RUN AND HIDE! That's the problem I am having with someone right now...I won't call any names...Linda! *dee-dee covering her mouth like ooops!*

I mean they get to running like you did something to them. Like your the one in the wrong or something. Tell me this...why is it that your "so called friends" don't like to hear the freakin' truth? Why in the h*ll did you even ask me in the first place then? I mean I am the type of person who will tell you the truth no matter what. I have learned to take corrective why can't you?

Okay so "Linda" calls and tells me that she and this guy I don't really approve of have been "hanging out" but they are..."just friends" and expects me to believe that ish. "First of all, he is MARRIED! Second of all he's MARRIED! And third of all...HE'S MARRIED FOOL!" She got an attitude when I told her that for the third do I know she got an attitude folks?...cause this mess flies out her mouth..."I heard you the first time Dang."... Dang?..what kind of mess is that? She is seeing a MARRIED man and cops an attitude when I her best girlfriend calls her on that triflin mess! Oooooh!

Then she tells me that he told her that he is not happy with his Wife and that she (my girlfriend) doesn't ever see him with his wife, and that he wants to spoil her and all this other stuff.*yeah right*
First of all that was some straight BS he just spit at you. And the reason why you don't see her with him is because she is probably at home taking care of her HOME like a wife should. And he is most certainly not going to invite his WIFE out to his little f**k feasts with you...Ms. I'm so desperate to have a man!
Second of all you weak as h*ll, so he probably told you all that "I'm not happy at home crap knowing you gonna fall for it so he can get in your draws! (believe me I said all of this to her)
And Third of all if he has all this time and money in which to spoil you with, why are your bills past due?...Why is your car note not paid?...Why are your boys heads not cut?...I could go on and on here folks. I mean if a man say he wants to spoil me...then spoil me D*mn It! I shouldn't want for nothing. I mean I'll cater to my man....LIKE HE CATER ME! I personally am not the type of woman who finds herself in relationships with married men...but if you gonna play the game (cause some women do) play the game right shoooks!

Well needless to say she is not speaking to me anymore, nor is she returning any of my phone calls. O well! If there is one thing that she should have learned from all of this (besides the fact that messing with a MARRIED MAN is wrong as H*ll) it should be...Don't ask dee-dee a d*mn thang if you don't want the TRUTH...RUTH!


Rose said…
You let her have it didn't you. Unfortunately she won't stop messing with him because she believes that stuff coming out of his mouth. Too many women get caught up in that stuff when these men ain't leaving their wives for them. Even if they do, which statistics prove they don't, why should the woman want him anyway? He will only leave her when the next fool show women in the words of my brothers and other men friends, you easy and low-maintenance and when they done with you it's on to the next one..Wow! Let me get off my soapbox and comfort my friend who just got played and crying about somebody else's husband...Sorry honey! HE'S GONE, BACK HOME!!
NameLiar said…
I know 5 bee-chez who are seeing married men or have dated married men and they all say the same thing...They are not happy at home...then leave you stupid bastard. They never leave. What is up with women these days...get off the desperation pills ladies.
Cherise said…
Truth hurts... ((shakes head)) Never..ever ever ever.. F*ck a married man! It's a sure fire recipe for disaster and a broken heart/ You told her right/ Quick story... When I moved out here to Vegas.. I met this fine man at the grocery store.. and when I say fine.. I MEAN HE WAS A DEAD RINGER FOR TAYE DIGS! He was all on a sista. Now, I was new here in town and he took full advantage of that. Soon after we exchanged numbers we began dating. He would be at my house promptly after I was off of work. A few months later he was spending nights with me.. bringing his children to play with my son. Well, I even took him to Cali with me to meet my mother! 3 months into the relationship I started to question a few things. I knew he was in the Military, but why did he only come out at night? I was off on the weekends and usually he only spent Saturdays with me. He told me he lived with his mom & she was a pastor.. No overnite guests allowed!! It was getting close to Christmas and I was wanted him to go home with me again. So I called him during my lunch break. A woman answered. I hung up. She called back and asked who is this. I said Jerome's girlfriend.. she said this is his wife... ** MOUTH WIDE OPEN** I replied Oh. Needless to say that was the END OF THAT. I didn't date again for an entire year!!!
Brea said…
I wish there were more poelple like you in my life - I rather hear the truth than have a "friend" dance circles around it. Kepp being you girl!
Teej said…
I really dont even have any words Dee. I mean she is grown. You told her the it's up to her to decide what she'll do. You tried.....
SMH... Why such desperation? Some sistas still need to leave the chickenhawkers to the coops and stop sowing stuff they're not prepared to reap. Karma is a bish that bites...
You know the rules...You can never talk about a womans Man, Her Money or Her Children....Amen.
brooklyn babe said…
Dee-Dee do we have the same friend?
I have friend who calls me up wit the same sad story, hurting, all in love, with someone who goes homes to someone else at night.

When I to her, the "truth" she too stopped speaking to me, REPEATEDLY.
And all the truth was, it that he's hurting you, the situtation is hurting you. And you've been stuck in this rut for some time now.

Like I told her, what kind of friend would I be, if I see you putting yourself in a predictable situation that will only hurt you.
Its like watching your friend light up a pipe, and you just watch.

What cracks me up, is how women who date married consider themselves to be in a "relationship." How does that work? I guess with cell phones, all is possible huh?

But either way, I love her dearly, and have learn to keep my mouth shut, and my distance, on watching my friend light up a pipe, cause she addicted. And everytime i speak on, she resent me, who just want her to stop hurting herself, and heal herself. I turn out to be the bad gal. So I let that be...

I'm praying for her, which is the best thing I can do for her right now.
And when her strength returns, I'm there.
Dee Dee there really needs to be more women like you. A lot of these women are triflin. I can't stand them. Thank you for telling her the truth. You did it for all woman-kind whether you see it like that or not. Some women don't see a damn thing wrong with it. Yeah he might be cute, fine, sexy or whatever but if he is married, leave him alone!! Why don't women care about each other enough to have common respect for each other? I think that subject is not talked about enough.
And yes, Karma is a bitch! My friend who always use to date married men and did not care got married a 1 1/2 years ago. Now they are getting a divorce because he has consistently cheated on her.
Clay said…
people wear me out when they are doing obviously stupid things and get upset when you tell them the truth ... ive learned that some people just want someone to rant to and agree with them ..
Girl people trip me out when they don't want to hear the truth. I mean, be for real. A true friend would have done exactly what you did. Hopefully she'll come around. I hope it isn't after he dogs her over though.
Karen said…
The wounds of a friend are faithful someday she'll know it...
happy Belated B-Day! Virgo's rock!! Yeah, sometimes the truth is hard to swallow for some folks.
Knockout Zed said…
I always read your shit and I never know what to say. Just letting you know I'm a fan.

Didi Roby said…
Rose, Mills, Reese, Brea...

Yeah she is dead wrong for what she is doing and I will tell her behind this ish again...she just don't get it...HE WILL NEVER BE COMPLETLY HERS!


Being grown don't make your ish right:( As a matter of fact it should make you more aware of the ish you do.

Electic Soul...

I asked myself that same question? Why such's sad. thanks for coming by...I was at your house the other day:)


You forgot her I have to tell it like it is...rule broke!


I think we do:) And when they finally come around and talk to you again...they haven't changed one single bit.


See...that's what happens when you do ish like that...I'm sorry you friend has to go through that, but you reap what you sow:)

I'll stop by your way soon:)


I try to make myself available to my friends in any way I what I tell them (if it hurts) then they need to spill there jive to someone else...


I'm worn out too dude...on that issue I'm done...


Yes they are...I want to be the best girlfriend I can be to ppl...I would want the same done for me.:)

I can't post on your me I'll explain what's going on:)


You said it perfect! Thanks:)


Thanks baby! Yes we do:)


I know...ish like this makes it hard for women like me...

I know Schaumburg very well...Email me so I will have yours...and I will send some stuff to you:)

Knockout zed...

Thanks baby! I often drop by your way as well:)
Anonymous said…
I know who you are speakin on babygirl...why are you even friends wit that chick?

I like how you put it to her though...plain and fucking simple!
Anonymous said…
sometimes... when people ask you questions, they actually are asking themselves w/ the same question. they DO KNOW what the answers are, but they refuse to acknowledge it... so what they do? they're looking for other people to be the escape goat.... if your friend now refuses to talk to you, oh well, sometimes some people need to learn in a hard way.... keep moving on with your life.

btw, did you do all these drawings in your blog?
Didi Roby said…

What's up girl...You know I'm the truth right?

Where do ya be hiding out at huh? I come by to see you and your not there...what's up with that? :)


I have no idea...I guess I just care to much for my ppl...:)


You are so right ppl do that.

No I don't don't draw or paint...that Mills department...I find them on the internet:)
Anonymous said…
wow... those are nice painting by the way... 'n if you like 'em.. you have a very good taste there! :)
Anonymous said…
I went through that with a friend myself. They are freaking crazy. I tell ya this if the man was going to leave his wife he would have done it in the 1st signs of him not being happy.

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