Marcia Syndrome... Do you have it?

Okay, how many of you remember the 70's TV show the Brady Bunch? Everyone knows that show. Well, for those of you who don't know the show(losers) allow me to give you a brief over view. It's about these two people (a man and a woman) who both happen to have three children...she has 3 girls and he has three boys. They meet, get married and the rest is TV history which you can find on TVland or some cable network today.

Well, let's talk about the three daughters for a moment. There's Cindy the youngest and most forgettable child in the whole dang show...(except for the time she had that lisp and the kids were teasing her at school, and peter almost caught a beat down at her that was funny). There's Marcia the oldest and prettiest and most popular of the three. (She wasn't all that pretty when she got hit in the face with that football that time was she?) Then there's Jan the middle child who is always living in the shadow of her older sister. (Remember the time she tried out for the cheerleading team, and came up with that sucky cheer? she should have stuck to spelling bees....)

Jan was always trying to "out do" Marsha in one way or another, but she would fail everytime. I mean, Marcia was the oldest...she was the prettiest...she was popular at school...she was always winning something, and being invited somewhere. Poor Jan didn't stand a chance. Well, needless to say Jan and Marcia are the reason for my blog ladies and gentlemen. Everytime Marcia would come home with something new and "groovy" to announce, and all the attention would shift directly on her. What would you hear Jan shouting and running to her room, never to emerge until she thought of another way to be better then her "evil" sister....that's right..."Marcia!, Marcia!, Marcia!"

I am hear to announce that I to have fallen victim to what we in my household call "Marcia Syndrome" Yep, I Dee-Dee Roby have taken leave of my senses and caught this dreaded disease. Okay, here it is...She (Mia Goodrum) has the job I want....the kind of home I want...the car I want( well I want a Beetle, and she a Passat) and she is getting married this fall(in Las Vegas no less) Ooooooh! right now I can't stand her....all though I am very much happy for her, and I wish her all the best....really I do. But I still have to admitt it out loud, hey I'm just being honest here! So with a high pitched voice and my arms wavying in the air above my head, as I head off to my room; where I will not emerge until I have prayed this "Marcia Syndrome" aka "Jealous Spirit" out of my system... I shall scream...Mia! Mia! Mia!

*Notice how I only mentioned Cindy's name once during my whole story. See told you she was the forgotten child (wink)


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